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How did the interview go?

Charli - how did it go???


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    Well it went ok - I thought I did well.

    But I didn't get it :cry: and I keep welling up!

    Panicking about money majorly again now as I had my hopes pinned on it so we would be ok. Just been for coffee and a HUGE bit of cake with the girls and may have arranged to take one on childminding (I registered before maternity leave and considered doing it fulltime) so fingers crossed that comes off!

    Thanks for asking!
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    Sorry to hear that Charli, but I always look it that it wouldn't have been right for you and that is why it wasn't meant to be. There will be another door open for you and it will be something even better so don't feel too disappointed hun.

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    oh no what a shame. Just as well you're doing so well with your books and with christmas coming that might earn you some extra cash. good luck with the childminding too.
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    Thanks ladies!

    Liz - I wish I could think of it like that - unfortunately I think it is more just that I am crap at interviews, the only reason I got the job I have now is because my interview was the day after the London bombings and 2 friends were killed and another lost her leg so really my interview felt v insignificant and therefore I was totally calm about it - I just wish I was happy there!

    Really shitting myself about money now and every time I try to talk to hubbie about it he just gets in a foul mood and won't discuss it, I think he feels he should be earning more so that he can support us which would be lovely but is not what I expect! The problem is it is not going to go away so we HAVE to talk about it.

    Hey ho - still trying not to burst into tears!
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    i so wish i could give you a hug. I'm so sorry about what happened to your friends. thats awful.
    I don't know what to suggest about money we had the same problem after we had zach because it was quite a big drop losing my income. have you tried you put in your information and it will tell you if you are entitled to any benefits/help and give you advice.
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    oh julesy don't talk about hugs or you'll set me off :cry: !

    We'll be ok one way or another - just wish hubbie had worked it out right to start with then I would never have signed my part time contract - school keep offering me supply too but I can't get max's nursery to take him last minute as they have staff levels etc to deal with (totally understand that) so I need something concrete on my other days! Hey ho!
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    Sorry to hear that but I'm like Liz and try to persuade myself things happen for a reason...easier said than done tho.
    The cm sounds good.
    Do you not have anyone, a friend say, who could have Max if you're offered supply in plenty of notice? It is great money, as you know, and my philosophy is, if I'm on supply at my school, I'm on supply and I leave early as they would! I'm quite lucky in that the PE days I do as part of the new sports initiative are always on Thursdays (one of my days off) so I always get paid to go on courses/meetings etc as a supply teacher. I also say to the bursar that I'll do days for KS2 with a good amount of notice so I can organise childcare. If I do a day extra a month it's a nice easy bonus.
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    Wont send hugs if it makes you cry... just good luck with whatever you decide to do xx
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    oh sweetie, im sending you cuddles anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    its horrible isnt it, we are sooooo broke it worries me all the time i keep trying to go over bank statment and see where u can save money but i cant ive gone part time and cant really afford it and hubby is self employed so im always worrying about money!

    i think men dont like to talk about it cause they cant sort it so feel guilty! but really they need to get over that and just face facts that its not going away! you cant worry on your own!

    childmining sounds good though - could you not take more of that and advertise and see if you can get a couple other children!!!

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