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Not like me at all

Hi Ladies,
Well, I am miles better today, but yesterday I was a blubbering wreck, completely stressed out over Isabelle's Baptism and Christmas and wanting to please everybody, when in fact none of it was pleasing me.

Rang mum at work and chatted about Christening plans but obviously she couldn't talk much as she was there, but she came round with my dad afterwards and we went through everything that was getting on top of me, but still couldnt come up with a solution. She even offered to talk to my MIL for me and explain so I didn't have to, anyway, hubby did that in the end and MIL came up with a good solution.
My gran had been over for lunch and been really selfless over Christmas, she is staying at home and then coming to us after dinner to see my mum dad and sisters here as they are eating with us. She has also changed her plans for New Years Day (we always have a buffet there) but she has invited us for bacon butties instead, so we can have a belated Christmas Dinner with hubbies family as his brother is a fireman and working Christmas and going out lots of the days, she isn'y happy about his selfishness, but is doing it for my hubby.
Sorry to blab on, just feel better writing it all down, and feel so lucky to be so loved, yesterday I felt I didn't deserve any of it, but now the Baptism is sorted ( Aunty Helen is a caterer and not a real Aunty so is catering for us at my mum and dads house as theirs is big enough to house 40 for afterwards!) Slept late today, then rang the vicar confirmed the date and I came smile again.

What I can't work out is why I got so worked up in the first place as its not like me at all, and I normally love planning things and being in charge of catering for family parties as its what I teach! I am also feeling a bit isolated, I keep seeing other mums with prams on the road yet I don't know them, but would love to know someone just to have a brew with. I am going to the CHildrens centres yet there were only me and 1 other in the baby Yoga on weds, and everything in Bolton seems to be on on a flaming Weds, nothing the rest of the week. I have even gone on netmums and joined our area forum, but all the babies seem a lot older, do people with tiny babies just hide in their house all day alone?

Bets XxX


  • Bets I live in Standish, Wigan not far at all from you sweetie. We can meet up if you like x x x
  • I blame hormones for everything hun! It is also a major shock to the system being tired and when you're used to working and being around people all the time it can get lonely. Maybe in a few weeks, more mums may be going to the classes etc as some people maybe aren't as confident in taking their babies out yet?

    I'm quite enjoying the peace of being in the house alone with Jack as we've had so many bloody workmen in, I want some time to myself! x
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