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Has anyone experienced this?

I just wanted to know more about so I can catch it fast if it happens to me. I know it can be very painful, but would the infection be passed onto the baby?

also what are the symptoms and more importantly how can it be prevented??

thanks, karys x


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    I had mastitis twice during Millie's first 6 weeks. First things I noticed were a painful patch on my breast that felt hot to touch, I then came down with flu like symptoms and felt rotten.

    It's normally caused by a blocked milk duct becoming infected so easiest way to avoid it is to make sure lo is draining breast properly and if you do feel any hard areas massaging them to unblock the ducts. The infection can't be passed on to lo and it is really important to keep feeding through it as this drains the milk. I had to have antibiotics and I did find that these gave Millie wind while I was taking them.

    Apparantly it is most common during the first 6 weeks, and in mothers who are anemic and run down, so it is worth making sure you are looking after yourself generally as well
    Hope that helps
    Kerry xx
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    ive got lumps in my breasts that feel like tissue, ive always had them are they suppose to be there, my mum says its fine but im not 2 sure do you think i shud c a docter bedhead???
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    ive got lumps in my breasts that feel like tissue, ive always had them are they suppose to be there, my mum says its fine but im not 2 sure do you think i shud c a docter bedhead???
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    Hi I had mastitis several times with each of my first 2 and fortunately only once with my 3rd baby. The symptons are feeling awful, exactly like flu aching all over with a temperature, and as Bedhead says, are due to a blockage.
    I got it at 12 weeks this time and woke in the night with one breast absolutely rock hard - I tried to drain it by getting lo to feed but she wasn't interested (once it gets that hard it is also more difficult to drain and for lo to get the milk out) so I had a bath at midnight and tried to massage it out but coudn't - it really hurt! It took quite a lot of painful feeds to get rid of the lump. If you do get it, it is best to try different positions to drain it properly and the best (although very uncomfortable)is to go on all 4's above lo and literally dangle over them.
    Some doctors still say not to feed with mastitis which is rubbish as it is the best thing to do. Not all mastitis is infective which means that if you get it it will sometimes get better without needing antibitotics but it is difficult to tell which is (can only really do it by testing your milk which drs won't do anyway) so every time apart from once I have had antibiotics which just make me feel better quite quickly anyway relieving the temperature and flu symptons.
    Your lumps aren't mastitis if they are soft and are probably normal for you especially if you have had them for a while. It probably isn't worth going to the drs while you are breastfeeding as your breasts will feel different whilst bf anyway. I saw my gp about lumps when I was pregnant and was referred but had a miscarriage so when the hospital dr felt them she said they were still pregnant breasts and I had to wait a month for a mammogram. xx
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