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Was anyone's baby back to back during labour??

Just a quick question really - were any of your ladies lovely babies, back to back during labour?
If so, how long was your labour, and did you tear etc?

Just got back from my midwife appointment and have been told baby's head is 4/5ths engaged, but the little stubborn thing has decided to go back to back, and for this reason, she didn't want to attempt a sweep as baby wasn't in the optimal position for labour & delivery.

I've now got a list of exercises to do to try and turn baby - and I've got another appointment next Tuesday when I will be 40+6 and will be having a sweep.

Really feel like a failure, as it's obviously my positioning and posture over the last few weeks that has caused baby to move into this position, and now I feel that with the head being so much engaged, that it's going to be a problem for little one to move in the right position, and that I'm going to have a long and painful labour ahead of me!! image

Hope you mummies and babies are all well,

Leanne (39+6) xxx


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    Hiya. Emily was back to back. She turned naturally towards the end of labour. x x
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    MrsFW do NOT beat yourself up!
    i was doing yoga and stayed off my back, sitting on my birthing ball, crawling on all fours etc etc from 34 weeks and he was STILL back to back!
    my mw said that sometimes, especially if your stomach muscles are strong, it doesn't matter what you do coz the baby just will not turn. every morning he would be in a perfect position then i would get up and by the time i'd had a shower he would be back to back again

    my labour wasn't that long for a first - 24hrs from waters breaking to delivery - 8 hours active labour, 4 hours second stage

    BUT the back pain during contractions was horrendous - i barely felt the actual stomach contractions at all in comparison. i really dont want to worry you as it may be different for you - but if i could go back i would have had the epidural - i was determined at the time to just have gas and air
    the main problem was that i was so knackered from coping with the pain that i didn't have the energy to push. if i was to do it again i would have the epidural once in established labour then let it wear off before having to push

    unfortunately he had also got his head stuck so i was pushing for 2 hours then had to have a forceps delivery as he hadn't moved

    i had an episiotomy due to the forceps so dont know about tearing but i dont think being back-to-back means you are more at risk

    i really really dont want to scare you hun but dont rule out pain relief if you are still back to back during labour
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    i was 12hrs 12mins from waters going to cuddling DS. didn't mean to scare you - sorry!
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    g/c from born in dec 09. my DS was back to back all through labour. Had to have forceps and episitomy but narrowly avoided emergency c section as he was in distress - probably because my evil midwife refused to give me any pain relief till 7.5cms as she didn't believe that i was in labour and she also made me lie on my back. my advice is to stay active and avoid going on your back in labour and get pain relief!
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    Lily was a bit awkward, can't remember what they said at the time, as I was pretty out of it, but apparently she was "almost back to back", I had to do a lot of position changes while pushing, and the during contractions had major back pain. The epidural did the trick though!
    Also, I had my waters broken (had to be induced due to pre-eclampsia) and from then it was about 10 hours until I had Lily in my arms.
    Also, I did have a cut (can't remember the medical word for it, lol), but I'm convinced that was because Lily was quite large and not because of the position she was in.
    Lots of luck, and don't beat yourself up OR worry, it's all totally worth it!
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    Hi my 1st was back to back and my labour was fine I only used gas & air and my labour was quick. My contractions in my back weren't too bad. My dd this time was the right way round and I found this labour more painful. I think that was because my waters hadn't gone.
    My ds that was back to back was in distress during contractions towards the end of labour because his face was being squashed so had to be monitered. It made me really push him out quick though! He turned when his shoulders came out. I didn't tear.
    All labours are different. Don't worry about your baby being back to back. You can never guess what your experience will be like.
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    My little one was back to back the whole time. I had an epidural so couldnt move about during labour. After 2 hours pushing ended up with forceps, episitomy and a 3rd degree tear. My MW did suggest that this happened because of how she was lying and how her head came out (facing up because back to back) .
    Lots of luck x
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    Thank you ladies image
    I have read that baby likes facing the placenta, and I was told at my 20 week scan that I had an anterior placenta - so I wonder if this was anything to do with it?

    MrsRaf - I also had strong stomach muscles pre pregnancy....

    I was back to back when my mum was expecting me and I turned during labour. Have also posted this in pregnancy and baby and have had some really positive replies about back to back labours. Just hoping that little one will turn. Fingers crossed!!
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    Alex was back to back and despite trying he would not turn, I was told he tried during labour to move round from roa and got all the way to lop but couldn't turn the rest, but that's unusual. My labour was timed at 11 hours but it's a over guestimate as we don't know when I hit 3cms. Everyone is different but I managed the first 9cms on tens, And was just too tired to push him out myself, it really wasn't has bad as I feared

    nic x
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    Yeah Harry was. 2hr 58min labour with just gas and air - was hard work and painful but I did it with No stitches at all!!! My DD2 was too but she turned naturally during labour. Try not to worry hon.x

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    Sorry G/C from BIM. Ellis was back to back at my 36 week appointment, he then turned at 38 week appointment but thought he would have a change of heart & turned back to back again the day I went into labour. Dont blame yourself hun, I tried everything in the book to get him in the right position, baby does what baby wants.

    I couldnt agree more with what MrsRaf said. I didnt feel my stomach contractions but the back pain contractions was truely terrrible. Like MrsRaf I didnt have an epidural, just G&A and a tens machine for comfort. I didnt even get offered one as they broke my waters at 4cm & I shot upto 7cm in the space of 15 minutes. I screamed for one for a while & when the midwife checked me to see if there was time, she told me I was 10 cm & to start pushing! Ellis was born an 30 minutes later. Labour all in all was 10 hours from start to finish, I had a 2nd degree tear but the midwife said not to have stiches so I didnt.

    It was hard work & very very painful but its all worth it. I was in shock for a few days but this week I have been thinking about when we will start trying for the next, haha, so it cant have been that bad.

    Good luck hun, try not to worry, just focus on bringing you little one into the world.

    Sian & Ellis 4wks +4 xxx
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    My Harry was bk 2 bk my entire labour right up until the last contraction to push him out. I wont lie to you it was absolute agony...but all the moving around staying active none of it made him turn until he was ready too. It is harder giving birth with baby bk 2bk but you forget the pain the second you see their little face. Hope your labour goes well and that baby does shift as it makes it easier.

    Amy and Harry (10days). xxx
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