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finally got DH to phone his GP today as it's been 8 weeks since she said she'd refer him for an SA and not heard a single peep! they referred 2 weeks after the appointment and then had a letter back from the hosp 2 weeks ago, so a total of 6 weeks since he visited said GP and the letter said that he didn't turn up fpr his appoinment!!??? THAT'S CUS WE RECEIVED NOTHING TO TELL US WHEN IT WAS!!!!! FFS. anywho, GP is going to write and phone on Monday apparently, so going to get DH to phone mid week and check. Sorry pointless post but pretty miffed! he could've done 1 by now and poss the 2nd (if it was needed) before my appointment, now we'll be lucky if 1 is done!!! GGGRRRR. Ok feel better now. :roll:


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    Oh bless you, that is just s**t, bloody NHS. Hope they get you sorted out quickly next week and booked in again soon.
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    You're not at Leeds are you?-theyve had loads of letters going missing!!!
    Hope you get it sorted!
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    yeah was a bit peeved to say the least! thanks guys. No not leeds, much further down south! image xx
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    Oh Rocky, that's awful. Goes to show you have to chase everything. Hope he gets his pot very soon! x x
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    Oh FFS! Why are the NHS so useless sometimes!!! Really hope they sort it and you get it done soon xxx I can't believe it is such a palava, in our area, the gp just sent hubby away with a pot and a list of instructions and told him where to deliver it when it as done. We just had to wait for results then. Hang in there xxx
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    How annoying, don't give up, hope they get you sorted soon, where I am it was like what socks said and hubs just had to take himself off to the hospital with his sample, was a complete farse!

    It seems you are going to have to keep hastling them until you get the test, good luck xx
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    aw thanks girls, its so nice to have support, haven't been doing too badly but feel lacking in PMA today, 2 friends have announced their pg,s one is having her 3rd so feeling a bit glum today and that it will never happen, plus it looks as though i'm not guna ov this month image though still have a few days to go to find out for def so keeping my fingers crossed. I think cus of where we are DH has to actually make an app to go to the hosp cus of the distance and timescales... i feel quite sorry for him! he could take it there but it would be a risk of not being on time as there are only morning slots and the traffice is always MEGA! lol, xxxx
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    OH Rocky, I'm sorry you're feeling a bit down. Pregnancy announcements devestate me. I cried for almost a week when SIL announced hers.

    We will get there, just so annoying we have to take the scenic route! x x
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    i'm loving the PMA mp! lol, update me after your app this week won't you? i think if they hadn't screwed up DH's SA i'd be feeling a bit better cus of the long wait for mine at least something would've been done!xx
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    It's such a rollercoaster isn't it? I was so low on Friday - sick to death of people talking about babies, what time they eat, poo and sleepless nights etc but after a little chat with a lovely friend I felt a bit more normal.

    We need to try and pick each other up on the s**t days!

    I totally get how you feel, when you spend half your life waiting and waiting it is such a waste when things aren't done. When is your next appointment? I'd tell your consulant you're disappointed that SA not been done and you want tehm to get a move on!

    I'll be sure to update you, got no idea what is going to happen. had some forms to fill in so hope they plan some tests rather than do more form filling! x x
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    i haven't got an appointment at all yet, still waiting for one to come through, still could have to wait another 6 weeks image DH should have had at least one SA done by then, i'm not sure when it has to be repeated or for what reason but i know sometimes it's repeated. still no sign of ov this month, CD 17 today, although in jan it was cd18 and feb cd 20, i didn't ov then until june which was cd 15, it wouldn't be so bad (the waiting game) if at least i was ov pretty regulary cus it'd give me something to focus on and be positive about each month. Good luck for your app. xx
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    That's just pants, no wonder your feeling more fed up!!
    It's a big step going & you put all your hopes on it so when they mess you around it's just not on.

    I know with your appt as well they said 6 wks but chase them every wk anyway to make sure they do, do it.

    They are so damn slow sometimes, example I got a letter last wk from my cons secretary from when we were under recurrent mc explaining some of the results from tests, ahh hello!! Do you get my point here they work like blimin snails & sometimes you have to keep on at them so they get on with it.

    Hello MP I will be sure to keep a look out for your update, if anything drop me a mail on fb letting me know how it went.

    have you got a list of Q you may wnat to ask them & take a note pad so you can jot down anything they say, it can be a bit overwhelming & you want to remember everything, I used to look like a secretary taking notes LOL!!

    Love to you both xxx
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    Hi ladies, long time no speak!
    I thought I would gatecrash your thread to say 'hello'. I have been off the radar for a while as the whole ttc really got to me.
    Like you Rocky we have started going through tests. I have had my 21 day bloods done and hubby has had the SA done, so next step a referral to hospital now. It's been a year since I fell preganant and 10 months since mmc I am soooo fustrated.
    Keep your chin up Rocky, things will fall into order for you, this malarky is a real timing thing isn't it??? Oh well, I'm glad to see that you are feeling better. Take care xxx
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    Sorry G/c your thread here Rocky, just wanted to say hello to Babyluv have often wondered how you have been keeping lovely. Good luck with your appt too sweetie xxx
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    hey Laujai and babyluv!!! don't apologise lovely to hear from you both, me and mp hang out over here now at least more so - i feel i fit in more over here now as there has been so many progressing from ttc after mc which of course is fantastic but kinda hard too. i am on there case hun! lol, mine's just a waiting game and DH's surgery secretary has been really helpful so will chase again next week if we've not heard anything! turns out they sent the app to our old address!!! we moved out over a year ago!!!! and the gp gave them our new one!!! FFS. lol xxx
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    That's what I used to do hang out between the 2 forums, but this one can be more appropriate when you feel like your being left behind!! And even though we had our lovely group over there the ladies here understand that feeling were you feel like everyone has moved on & it's never gona happen & the prospect of having tests done on top of it all, I havent forgotten how hard it is.

    I hope the appt comes soon then, that's what I mean by chasing the waiting game tho keep ringing to see were on the list you are LOL that's what i've done in the past when i've had gynae appts when I had the endo I used to just ring all the time to see if the list had gone down LOL I got an appt in the end & sooner than expected he he he persistance paid off either that or they got sick of me ringing!! xxx


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    I agree with Laura, keep phoning until they give you a date. It took hubby half an hour to rearrange his SA as we didn't realise he had to "rest" for 5 days!

    You are right, at least by the time you get tehre you will already have had a lot of info that will help them move you forward a lot quicker once you get there.

    x x
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    Hi Rocky

    I just wanted to say I know exactly how you feel. The cogs of the NHS can turn very slowly, and being patient can only go so far. Persistent calling is definitely the way to go, and I'm going to follow my own advice and call the hospital again tomorrow morning to chase up a call to arrange an appointment.. I can't believe I need an appointment to make an appointment!!!

    Anyway, since finding out that there are physical issues like abnormal SA for DH, and PCOS for me, I def feel less anticipation this month, but would dearly love to find out what the options are now. I'm going to have to stop myself from shouting HURRY UP down the phone tomorrow!!!

    Hope things start moving for you, and sending you all much good luck x
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    Thanks guys, i think i may phone tomorrow and see how long roughly i have to wait eben if i have to blag a reason as to why i need to know! other than that tomorrow i'm going to register with a new doctors surgery, it's only 2 mins away from my current one and i phoned today and gota go down to fill in forms tomorrow and jobs done! i get an appoinment with the nurse as part of registering too so get the chance to discuss my concerns and ongoing probs. its the same surgery as hubby as well. just got SO fed up with mine! xxx
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    Hello again

    I called the NHS appt line this morning as planned, and have now been told it's a 14 day period in which they have to call be back, so I guess I just have to keep waiting. Well done to you Rocky for taking positive action today image

    Lynn x
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