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belly buttons

Bit odd I know, but what are your little ones belly buttons like? Dylan's was an normal belly button once his umbilical cord had fell off and his tummy muscles had strengthened but I've noticed over the last few months that it is now completely out. It doesn't bother him but when he is holding my hands and walking/pulling himself up on things it is really prominent. It looks like a malteaser is stuck on his tummy!!!

Is it normal? I had to have mine operated on when I was little, and so did my brother so wondering if it is some sort of genetic wierd thing!!!


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    Could he just have an 'outy'?
    LO is in but hchanged shape a little as has grown xx
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    I probably sounds daft asking but i've been worrying since another mummy at a baby group asked if it had always been like that and if i had got it checked before. It is REALLY far out so doesn't look like a normal outy belly button.

    Going to try and get to baby clinic today (depending on Dylan's mood!) and will ask then!

  • Options
    I probably sounds daft asking but i've been worrying since another mummy at a baby group asked if it had always been like that and if i had got it checked before. It is REALLY far out so doesn't look like a normal outy belly button.

    Going to try and get to baby clinic today (depending on Dylan's mood!) and will ask then!

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