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Angry noises (& a thank u!)

Firstly thank you Pumpkin for calming me down on FB (was getting a bit upset with my little self til PP came to the rescue! again!)

DD is making real angry noises instead of crying. She will cry if I leave her for a while but generally is making GRRR noises and really tensing up. I didn't think too much about it til my mum said it doesn't seem right/normal.

Anyone elses the same or have any ideas?!


[Modified by: squiggle*2010 on 25 August 2010 21:44:16 ]


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    Hiya hun, hope you're ok. Ryan is constantly being called a grumbleguts at the moment. He has to get really worked up to cry, it doesn't sound like he's doing quite the same as T, wouldn't call it a grrr but it's more like moaning and whinging, gradually getting more angry- it's like a tantrum sometimes I'm dreading when he's old enough to throw a proper wobbly!! x
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    aw ur welcome hun - you've done it enough times for me xx
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    charlie can really get angry like he goes completely stiff and his face goes red. He also makes a grrr sound. I think its when he starts to get tired and also if not gettin enough attention put together. Im not worried just looks like we got stubborn babies x
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    Freddie does the grr this too and he sounds permentantly grumpy at the mo. We can't work out what is troubling him whether it is teeth or something else, I used to be able to leave him on his play gym but not at the mo he just winges and winges.

    Poor mite! x
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