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BLW anyone?

Hi all!

We're planning on giving baby-led weaning a go, just wondered if any other April mummies were doing the same? My friend passed on this blog website which is both funny & informative -



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    Sorry to g/c. I was originally dia but the little fella was late and I ended up in may. Anyway thanks for the link. We are planning to do blw and I'm reading the Tracy murkett book at the moment. Would love to know how you get on. B
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    i was planning to do this - although I gave Grace some baby rice today which she wolfed down so may do a few weeks of puree first - which prob kind of defeats the object actually! But I do plan to move to some form of BLW fairly quickly rather than stick with moving from purees to lumpy food etc. I'm not very well up on BLW so far though so this lik is fab thanks Ruth!

    PS - nice to see you in here Bodlondon! how are you getting on? x
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    Ha ha love it

    I am BLW. Ok so I am a bad mummy and started a bit early (Finley is 24 weeks) but my instincts said go so I did and I have a stubborn little man who point blank refuses to be fed by me anyway.

    So far it s going ok but I do sometimes think that he isnt eating enough. I am still BF and he is still only 13lbs which the HV says is fine but I am beginning to worry that he isnt getting enough because I cant see how much milk he is getting. Anyway I digress... so far we have tried rice cakes, sweet potato, cooked apple, advocado, fromage frais, parsnip, broccoli, swede and banana

    He loves banana and loves having fromage frais loaded on a spoon and given to him (very messy). He tries everything but doesnt really eat very much, although his nappies tell me that he must be swallowing something.

    Th only bad thing so far is that since we started he has taken to biting me when I am feeding him and not letting go image almost more painful than labour :lol:
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    Ethan has been mugging me for food for a few weeks now, and provided it's an appropriate food I just let him get on with it. Nappies indicate he's not really ingesting anything, but he was screamscreamscreaming whenever he watched us eat, so if letting him chew a piece of cucumber shuts him up, I'm all over that.
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    I'm with you maenad - Grace has been trying to grab food off my plate for a couple of weeks and she's obv ready and loving it as when I was feeding her the babyrice she was holding my hand to keep the spoon in her mouth so she could get every last bit! Such a difference from DD1 who would turn her head away after one or 2 mouthfuls!

    I'm just going to be led by Grace and what suits her and if that means we stay on baby rice til she's old enough for finger food that's great but if she's eager for more variation sooner I'll just go with it. She's 22 weeks tomorrow so I'm not too worried about starting a little early.
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    I may be interested in this too. I'm certainly going to have a good look at that blog, thanks Ruth. Rhodri's been ridiculously eager watching us eat, to the point where he gets quite cross. I gave him some baby rice Tuesday but he just kind of rolled it round his mouth looking puzzled and then dribbled it out. So not sure whether it's just a baby rice thing, or if he's not ready. He's certainly still quite settled with the breast feeding at the moment - only waking once a night - so I think I'll just carry on with that til next week and try again.

    He's so huge I thought he'd want to be weaned early - just got him weighed again today and he's 19lb 4oz!!

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    Well I'm doing a bit of both - I have pics in fb. I spoon and blw , depending on the food I give. Most if it just looks like a mess - lol but it's all good fun, like other ppl I pre load spoons , sprogs aims and it goes everywhere!
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    Hi feebs
    I'm good. A bit tired as j may be teething so he was up every hour last night. I've been hanging out in born in may as that's when j finally put in an appearance. Hope you're well
    B x
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    Nice to know so many of us are planning on giving it a go. I daren't mention it to my HV for fear of the lecture I'll be given, so I just nod along when she talks about 'mush'. I gave B a green bean & red pepper yesterday (he's 5.5mnths but I figured it couldn't hurt...) - he pulled very strange faces but went back for more (after stabbing himself in the eye, ear, cheek etc). More success than banana which I fear he may have a phobia of for life... I really want to try him on bread but keep hearing about allergies, waiting till 6 mnths etc, so I think I'm just going to stick with fruit & veg (though not strawbs apparently for same reason)...

    Wif, with the biting thing, apparently you should push their face into your boob when they do this as it cuts off their air supply to their nose and so they release....B's done it quite a few times but he lets go himself (then I say "no" in my teacher voice and he laughs at me....!).

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    Nice to know so many of us are planning on giving it a go. I daren't mention it to my HV for fear of the lecture I'll be given, so I just nod along when she talks about 'mush'.

    Looks like another example of nhs advice being all over the place as my HV told me not to do baby rice or purees and go straight to finger food. She didn't call it BLW but that's basically what they recommended.

    I'm mixing and matching I think. Til 6 months or thereabouts I'm going to do baby rice and purees and then start offering finger foods. Can't face giving her loaded spoons though - too much mess lol!!!

    Btw Ruth, my friend who is a GP says 24 weeks/5.5 months is fine to start BLW. Prob best to avoid bread/dairy/strawberries for the first 2 weeks like you say but def ok to start on fruit and veg.
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    We're going with a similar approach to you Feebs - we've just started on the baby rice and I'm planning to introduce some pureed veg from tomorrow. Daisy will be 5 months on Friday, so I'm planning to spend the next month getting her used to different tastes etc and then introducing some finger foods at about 6 months.

    She seems to quite like the baby rice, she pulls some funny faces whilst she's eating it, but most of it seems to be going down!
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    Amelia is 6 months old next week and I've been trying a little bit of both. We were in Italy last week and she held bits of peach and cucumber and sucked on them until she got bored. Other times I spoon fed her a bit of baby food.

    I'm going to do a 50/50 approach which is baby rice or yoghurt for breakkie (spoon fed) and then some bits of 'stuff' for lunch i.e. breadsticks and/or cucumber/pepper with hummus on - and see how she goes.

    Just cooking up butternut squash, carrot and sweet potato to puree but have also left some to roast to see how that goes as well.
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    we tried carrot today! I gave her a stick to see what she did with it but she couldnt really keep hold of it as it was too slippy and didn't try and put it in her mouoth. She had a good suck when I held it to her mouth though. I also pureed a bit but I think it was too lumpy as she gagged a couple of times and then wasn't interested. Although she's got a bit of a cold today and hardly ate any baby rice either so that could be why. Have bought a load of carrots so will do a proper batch tomorrow and then see how she gets on once she's feeling better.
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    Weird Feebs as I did exactly the same thing with the carrot and Rhodri responded in exactly the same way too!
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    We gave B raw yellow pepper yesterday - he seemed to love it & knawed for ages! He wasn't too sure about the satsuma though, a bit bitter maybe...
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    This is my second week of weaning Martha (she is 22 weeks). I felt I just couldn't hold her back from something which she so obviously wanted and she was trying to grab food out of my hand. I spoke with HV and she said not too early so should be fine providing all signals there - which they were. She is loving it. Did try a few finger foods but wasn' keen. Seems to like be spoon feeding her puree but may try finger foods again in a week or so.
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    Sorry, I've not read all the replies so not sure if this has been mentioned.

    O had this self feeding thingy (not sure of the name!) but it has a handle on it and a screw on top which is like a soft mesh. You put a peice of fruit or veg in it and they can suck on it/eat it without you worrying about them choking. It's really good.

    H xx
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    We're not really doing BLW as Grace is mainly having purees ATM but I tried her with another stick of carrot today and she managed to hold it to her mouth and have a good chew this time! She didn't actually eat any but was more interested in that than what I was spoon-feeding her (although to be fair she'd had quite a bit of pur??????e before I gave her the carrot).

    I'm chomping at the bit for her to get to 6 months so I can give her more finger foods! 3 weeks to goimage
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    I can highly recommend roasting the carrot. I put pepper and carrot in the oven chopped into chip size pieces. Didn't add any oil or anything and once it had cooled, Amelia loved it. The pepper was a bit soft but overall a hit.

    Going to try steaming some broccoli tomorrow to see how that goes and may even try pasta now as she is 6 months TOMORROW. Gulp where did the time go.
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    I can't wait to try Grace with pasta and toast etc. I really think she's going to be a finger food girl! Still got about 2.5 weeks to go til 6 months though so am not going to rush it image
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