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Can't take much more!!!!

I need some advice!! I don't know where my sweet happy baby's gone. She used to go to bed after her bath & a feed, have a dream feed at my bedtime and sleep through til 6am. About 6 weeks ago, if not a bit longer, she started waking for feeds every three hours again, I spoke to a bfing counsellor who said that was normal for a bf baby and we'd been lucky. Fair enough, I decided to hold off weaning & put up with it for a bit longer as she was only 4 months. She's just turned 5 months now & the last week or so has been hell, she flat out will not go to bed, she screams and screams and screams and she's also waking up every few hours in the night screaming & crying, has a feed & then after the one around 4 am, stays awake for about an hour and a half, kicking her lightshow & raising her legs & slamming them on the cot floor, which makes the dog bark. I'm so tired & I don't know what's up with her. Started her on baby rice last night in case it's hunger, which is going down ok, although she seems indifferent really. I think it might be teething, she's been miserable all day, no smiles & sobbing everytime I put her down, so I just gave her a big spoon of calpol as I can't just sit & listen to her scream but I don't want to get into a habit of giving her meds if she doesn't need them or cuddling her all night, besides, it doesn't seem to help much. What do you all think? Does this sound like teething? And how long do you think it will last?! The soles of her feet were bright purple earlier, & not really cold, no idea if it's related. Oh no, she's off again. image


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    Oh dear! Sounds terrible for you. I am afraid I am not oging to be much help though image Logan is a terrible sleeper and always has been!

    I would suggest that it is hunger related - it sounds like she is maybe ready now for some food - and prob a bit more than just a baby rice?

    Could be teething too -although the calpol would have helped. Hav eyou tried baby nurofen? It's a bit more targetted for teething pains - teething episodes normally only last about 3 days ish though.

    Could it be the 6 month growth spurt early?

    Logan has nights like this but seems (touch wood) to be settling down again.To be honest, it seems like he has been like that foor quite a while! Maybe go see HV or dr if you are worried and it shows no sign of improvement.

    Sorry I can't be more help! Just didn't wannt to r&r - I now how awful it isto ahve a screaming baby at night and no idea whats wrong!

    Hope it improves

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    My little one went through the same thing!! It was a nightmare! He loved slamming his legs down! It would make his blanket go up over his face and he would stay awake to put the blankets in his mouth and chew them! He kept waking up every 3 hours doing this! It was horrible. I just didn't get any sleep....... so!!!

    We stopped using blankets and put him in one of those sleeping/grow bags. So now when he does wake up he couldn't get the sleeping bag in his mouth. We also starting giving him ashton and parsons at his last feed and then when he would wake up through the night we gave him another dose. It settled him really quickly. Sometimes we gave him a comfort feed just to help.

    It lasted about 3 weeks for us He seems to be back to normal now.

    Hope that helps! I know just how you feel!
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    I was also going to say the 6 month growth spurt....

    also, I don't think the babies have adjusted from when the clocks when forward....DS is still out of sink a little bit

    DS is waking at 3.30am thinking it's playtime......kicking shouting singing...its not fun.....

    I really dont have any suggestions but I do feel your pain...

    DLAM xxxx
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    Oh thanks ladies! I can always come on here to get some good advice and/or sympathy! I'm praying it's a phase as we're also in the middle of packing up the house to move & the stress is starting to get to me! I'm off to visit my best friend in London tomorrow and it's a four & a half hour journey so I hope she's ok for the journey. And that she sleeps a bit more tonight so I'm not shattered for the drive. Oh, and that she's not a total nightmare when we're away as she's expecting a baby in two weeks. Oh dear!

    Snugglnush, I am a complete clueless novice about weaning, I was trying to hold off til the move so I could really give my time to it but in desperation, bought everything in asda yesterday, not having a clue where to start except rice!

    Missronnie, she's in a grobag with a blanket on top so I might see if that's what's going on with her. I can't find Ashton & parsons anywhere! Got some nelsons granules which are ok sometimes.

    Dlam, I think that's when she started to get funny, we had a couple of nights out of routine around that time & then she was napping so late that bedtime was thrown out & if I skipped her last nap & put her to bed, she just thought it was a nap!

    I'm so confused about this parenting lark!! Thank goodness for our lovely little forum!
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    Hi hun, all i can really do is sympathise. Like snugglenush i have not been blessed with a good sleeper. C is up every 3 hours sometimes less for a feed, although at the weekend we put her in her own room and touch wood she has been going 4-5hours in one go but then its 2 hourly after that. She is 24weeks now and we have just started weaning this week, we had tried before that as sleeping was a nightmare but she just wasnt for it (so hopefully your lo takes to it better), i am hoping now we are weaning she may get a little better. The only advise i can give is that my hv was talking to someone at the baby group this morning and said that calpol wasnt great for teething as it is to help with temp control etc, what she said was to give them baby ibrufen as teething is inflamation, so maybe try the baby nurofen that snug suggested, its all we use at home, its fab. Also someone today told me that they have taken ashtons and parsons off the shelves in most places but if you go online to boots you can order them and get them sent to the store for free delivery. hope that helps and you get some better sleep soon, i know im hoping for
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    Hi hun, we managed to get ashton and parsons in boots a little while ago although they had all sold out when i went to look for them again this week image

    I also think though that it is likely to be hunger, this is usually the only reason for Biba waking at night and the past few nights have been broken as i think she is having her 6 month growth spurt, she had also been absolutely screaming and crying for food during the day. We have just had to move her up to 3 meals a day and she slept for the longest ever last night (even though i woke up well before her with paranoia!) If you want any help with weaning let me know and i will try and help you with what we have done and learnt.

    Thankfully the banging of legs on the matress was only a phase and seems to have simmered down although she does have a habit of eating the blanket, she wont tolerate a sleeping bag!

    Hope that things get easier for you soon and you enjoy your trip to London xx
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    hope your feeling happier fairydust by reading so many similiar posts, these darling babies do like to keep up on our toes, all we can do is take a deep breath and tackle the issues for that day. Your LO sounds similiar to my ds

    My ds is ebf was sleeping through the night from 8 weeks and then mid feb everything changed, he would no longer self settle himself to sleep and had to be rocked or put on the boob, he wakes at 1am / 4am / 6am and then up at 0730.

    He has had his bottom teeth through now which might have been making him wake up etc and i never noticed this, terrible aint i!! i did use Nelsons homeopathic powder once i did notice, which is the same as the ashton stuff and you can get it from asda. adn i got a nights sleep from him but that was only one night unfortunately.

    Im going to start weaning him this weekend too, he is 23 weeks i wanted to hold off as long as possible but he grabbed the banana from my hand today and stuffed it into his mouth so i guess he is ready! shall be interesting to see if this makes a difference to sleep or not.

    Going to start with porridge for the first few days at breakfast then try veg / fruit increase the number of sppons over the first 2 weeks and increase to breakfast and lunch week 3 or shall see how he goes maybe earlier, remember each baby is different, and there are hundreds of weaning charts and recipies online for you.

    Ive also started being very strict on bedtime now and doing a PU/PD/CC routine to get him to learn to self settle, its hard work but i can see some inprovements, tonight i felt bad leaving him to cry for 7 mins but it worked.

    They say babies change their habbits when milestones are reached, but ds changed his too when we had a few nights away, also growth spurts happening all the time!

    Anyway sorry for the long post, just to let you know your not alone, stay strong and you will soon have a very happy angelic LO again! - that is until they start throwing their food around the room he he
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    Thanks for all your replies ladies, can always rely on here for support and advice. I got to London safely and she was a little diamond all the way. I will reply properly when I get home but I so think is ready for more food, I gave her a taste of yoghurt on my finger today & when I offered her another, she almost bit my finger off!! image I tried nurofen too last night & she had a good sleep chunk. She's always been a 3 hourly feeder, (apart from her blissful but v short-lived 10.30-5.30 period), and last night she did 10.30, 2.30, 5.45, up until 6.30 & back to bed til half 8, which was okish! She won't sleep now though so I think I'll just have a cuppa and go to bed & take her with me as I'm shattered! Catch up soon! image
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    Sounds like it's a combination of everything - teething, hunger, and possibly picking up on the stressful vibes of planning a move.

    If you nearly lost your finger at a taste of yogurt get a spoon and get it inside her. Remember that it isn't really that filling so it will give goodness but hasn't got the bulk of other foods. Although you may want to mix it with baby rice to give it some flavour :lol:

    Unfortunatly it's a case of working through a long list of why she may be crying. It's easy to check she's clean and dry, if she's hungry that may well improve the situation and it will mean you can work down the list to teething if you need to.

    Hope you enjoyed your rest and are feeling a bit stronger to face the day
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    Hello everyone! It's been ages, but I wanted to say thanks for the advice so far....and ask for some more. image Things have been awful, sleepwise, and bedtime has gone out the window, however, last night was a little better and I had a really lovely time away so not too bad all in all! I will take up the offer of weaning advice moominmama, (and everyone else please!), here are my questions;

    Should I give water? We are ebf still so is she getting enough from my milk? Even if she's having less due to the food? And if so, do I just give her tap water?

    She's just over 5 months now, she's big for her age and was hungry so we started early but I'm a bit confused about dairy, as I was away, I got some jars of yoghurty breakfast and porridge stuff, both containing milk, but I thought you weren't supposed to give milk til a year? Plus they made her really sick so how long shall I wait to try again?

    When do I give the food? At the mo I'm doing brekkie and dinner, (tea), so how long before/after a bf do I give the food? I'm just worried about her getting dehydrated or feeding first and not being hungry.

    Think that's it.....for now! I can think of a couple more but it's bedtime so I'll save them for next time!! :lol:

    Edited due to tiredness making me write nonsense!!
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    weaning is really a case of making it up to suit you and your baby ( no help whatsoever I know)

    Water - they say cooled boiled water is best just to be on the safe side. Use a free flowing sippy cup so she gets use to the idea of getting water. I just let Amelia play with her cup more water ends up over her than in her but she's got the idea. She may only get a couple of sips each day and thats enough for me.

    Dairy is fine from 6 months as far as I'm aware - Amelia has had fromage frais, tastes of cheese ect. If you do make your own cheese sauce ect you are suppsed to use the full fat stuff as babies need all the goodness for growing.

    If you are having problems with her belly add in one or reintroduce one new flavour/taste every couple of days. That way you will see if there is any problems specifically with dairy or just one particualar brand.

    I bottle feed and as she's not really interested in milk first thing I use a baby porridge that you make up with her normal milk. That way she it still counts towards her intake for the day. She has a bottle mid morning, a bit after her lunch and tea, then another full bottle or two before bed

    hope that helps a bit. Just remember everyone is different and we all have different ways - fingers crossed
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    My hv said aslong as there getting 20oz of milk a day thats fine, when we 1st started weaning i started with breakfast, never did baby rice as he just wouldnt take it so i started with jars and he toke to it straight away, after about 3weeks i started giving lunch as well,and just this week he has gone 2 3meals a day, es never been the best sleeper either waking every 3-4 hours but im hoping he will start to go longer, i agree with jojums weaning is just a case of finding what works for you. xx happy weaning x image
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