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Feeling weird about maternity leave

Hiya everyone

Hope mums and bumps are all ok!

I started maternity leave today and I really am not happy. I miss my routine of going to work and seeing my children and teaching them. I worked up to 38 weeks and felt anxious about leaving right from the beginning of my pregnancy. I love my job so much and it is a weird feeling I have now. I want to cry and go back to work! I feel really silly and don't know whether this is 'normal' or not. Everything is ready for the baby and has been a while. The house is tidy and organised too. Hubby told me to keep busy by doing the planning for my class when I'm back at work so I am ahead with it and can spend more time with the baby when I'm back at work. This is fine, keeps my brain going and it's pretty stress free. But I just don't like not being at work! I've never had a day off before (other than the hols). I feel really down and don't know what to do with myself. I'm worried I won't like being at home with the baby and what will I do to pass the time. I really feel silly. Any advice??? Will I change when the baby is here?



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    Awww hun. It must be really odd completley changing your routine. I'm sure its just pregnancy hormones and once baby is here you will be so busy and besotted with your new baby you wont miss work too much.
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    you will feel different because you will have things to do with the baby im a stay at home mum and i love spending time with my daughter but i feel down at the moment but thats due to my hormones i can't wait to look after my little boy when hes here and it will fill my days even more
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    Aw hun, sounds totally normal to me! Besides, once baby is here, things will be a bit different as u'll have ur little bundle to think about 24/7 to begin with and u'll be glad u did some of the prep work for ur return!!

    Everyone will tell u to keep busy and really, that is the best thing - just don't tire urself out. Plan an activity the night b4 (like u mite for ur class), like a walk, meet someone for a coffee, meet a friend for lunch, stuff like that. I know it's not brilliant but at this late stage too, short planned activities are best.

    Oh, and plan a lunch date or something for due date, just in case lo decides not to make an appearance b4 then.........I planned a shopping trip with my mum with my 4th - just as well too as he was 1 wk late!
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    Thanks. I feel better now reading your replies. I am off to drop some stuff off at a friends tomorrow and then plan to call in at the supermarket...should keep me busy lol. I hope I feel different when the baby is here. It probably is my hormones. I think maybe I'm fed up of waiting and am used to being busy having 28 screaming 5 year olds running round!


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    I felt a bit odd on my first day of maternity leave too. (I started my maternity leave at week 37.) Anyway I think I've already adapted and looking forward to LO's arrival. It won't be long before we are upset about having to go back to work and leave our babies I'm sure.
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    glad you feel better now hun if you need to talk at all you could talk to me
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