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fao historygirl

I think we may have had a breakthrough with Max! (ive got everything crossed as i type this!) The last few nights he's gone:

-7pm feed before bed
-10.30/11pm ish
-7am awake

The 6 hours between 11 and 5 is such a big leap for him, im so proud-even if he doesn't do it again!! We haven't done anything differently so i think we just have to stick with it and it's something they'll do naturally when they're ready.

I can't believe ive had nearly 6 hours of sleep in one go! Ive not had more than 3 in the last 13 weeks, god it feels good!

How's Peter?xx


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    That is brilliant, pixiebob! I am so pleased for you!

    We too seem to have had a bit of a breakthrough. He has been having three feeds for the last few nights (between 11 and midnight, between 3 and 4 and between 5 and 6). Then, last night he only went and dropped the 5 am feed! image I couldn't believe it when I woke and saw the clock saying 5 minutes to 8!!

    As you say, we have change nothing (although we are making sure he has his daytime naps which I do think has helped). I would love it if he would have his long sleep from 11 until 5 but he seems to have decided to do it from 7 until midnight instead. But I can live with this, especially as he is now feeding and going back down really quickly so I barely wake up at all.

    Hope Max carries on sleeping for 6 hours at a stretch! :\)
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    Welldone Peter!

    I think we'll get there eventually, just have to take baby steps! Max has been napping alot more too, ive not been pushing it but he slept for 2 hours yesterday instead of the usual 30minute cat nap.

    Oh, im so proud of them, clever boys! Lets hope they keep it up xx
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    Woop Woop to Max and Peter!!!

    I'll keep my fingers crossed that they keep up their most excellent work!!!!!

    C xxxxxxx
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    Well, we'll see how things go tonight. He point blank refused to have his afternoon nap so we could be in for a long night...


    As anticipated. He was up every 1.5-2 hours from 10 until 7:30. *yawn* I think he was gearing up to roll over on his own this morning. :roll:

    Hope you had a better night than we did, pixiebob.

    [Modified by: TheHistoryGirl on June 19, 2009 08:45 AM]

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    Oh HG, sorry to hear that, keeping everything crossed for you that it was just a blip.

    Max went from 6pm to 1am!! Im sure he's plotting something!! My boobs were full to bursting, TMI coming up but i had to express into the bathroom sink at midnight as my nightie was soaked through!!

    He was up early at 5am and never really settled back down although (lazy mummy!) i left him chatting in his cot until 6.30 when he started getting grizzly xx
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    Well, pixiebob, it looks as if your crossed fingers worked! image He only woke at 11:40 and 3:45 before finally getting up at 7. Current theories about the other night are that he is teething (my husband) or that he was starting a cold (me). I think the fact that he got three proper naps yesterday also helped. He will now have an afternoon nap come hell or high water!

    The image of you expressing made me laugh! The one and only time Peter managed to sleep for 7 hours I remember waking up with the bed flooded and needing a complete change of sheets. :roll:

    I think it is really good for babies to be able to chat to themselves in the mornings. Peter will only go for 20 minutes or so, but I actually quite like listening to him chatter away when he does it.
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    Hey, just wanted to butt in and say well done pixiebob and THG! I think our little monkeys may finally be realising that sleep is a good thing...hope they keep up the good work! x
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    Oh god, i totally jinxed it-Max went crazy time last night-fed every 3 hours until 5am and then refused to go back to sleep!!

    My current theory is that he didn't nap for long yesterday. I think the more active he is during the day, the more energy he burns off and therefore the more hungry he gets at night! Sounds good, right?!

    So today he had 30mins this morning, 2hours at lunch and then a catnap in the car this afternoon.

    Ive fed him and put him to bed 10mins ago and he's flat out, lets see what tonight brings!!

    On a positive note he's been SO happy this afternoon-has not stopped smiling and sqeeling-he's be so much fun. He usually has a good cry at some point but not so much as a grizzle xx
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