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little escape artist.

noah is becoming a right adventurer. he climbs up everything and into everything. on sunday he escaped out of the garden gate and was off down the steps! for those of you don't know i live in a top floor flat and the 50 concrete steps are quite steep down the side of the building. i realised he was gone only because zach came in to the house and said wheres noah? oh my god when i think about it it makes me sick. he was about half way down the steps and thought it was funny. i've always worried about falling down the steps but also what if he got down to the road? i'm so glad we've decided to move as i don't think my nerves could take much more of this.
i realised after i hadn't shut the gate properly so fortuntely he hasn't figured out how to open it or get over it otherwise i just wouldn't let him into the garden. i do feel very stupid though. i've always been so paranoid about all of it. we never open the windows to the front of the building - keep them locked in fact, we are so careful about everything but i think noah is going to be one of those children that never misses an opportunity to get into trouble.


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    How scary! Noah sounds just like Bren, we have to have safety gates everywhere now as he has worked out how to open doors!
    Hubby has made a fenced area in the garden out of pallets as a temporary measure so we could relax in the garden a bit more with him this summer. They are so bloomin fast aren't they?!! xx
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    oooooooooo sounds just like fin...... little monkeys!!!

    fin can open doors, climbs everything and like you liz we have finally enclosed part of garden so safe for him to just go out back door to play it's so nice and he loves the fact he can go in and out whilst i'm doing bits and bobs!!!

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    What a little monkey and sounds very like rhys. i was putting the washing out the other day and never thought bout leaving the back door open. Jay was inside with rhys. I went in and said where's rhys and he said I thought ud taken him out with you. He'd gone out the back door and toddled off round the front and was chasing the kids outside. Luckily it's all grass at the front but it's so easy for them to just wander off. If we have any doors open now we make sure the babygates on lol.
    We can't really fence the garden off as it's communal and the "back" door is at the side and doesn't lead directly onto the garden but I'm quite lucky as we all have lo's similar ages so there's always one of us outside with them so I can leave him out for 5 minutes with one of the neighbours whilst I'm doing something without having to chase after him every 2 seconds.
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    its wierd we were so precious with zach and he never tried anything dispite all the saftey measures and with noah he just seems to get round everything!
    i did that once becci - i got back from supermarket, i'd been gone about half an hour or so, and dave said to me wheres noah? i instantly panicked and said i left him here with you and dave said he's not here and i just went cold and was about to startlooking in the garden, in the playhouse etc. i suddenly remembered that i had put him down for a nap and he was sleeping peacefully in his cot completely oblivious! it was a horrible feeling though. shows how much my hubby pays attention to me!
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    ha ha though sure it wasn't funny at the time. It really is the worst feeling ever. I was running all round my mum's house yesterday looking for him and panicking as we couldn't find him anywhere and he was sat under the kitchen table the whole time.
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    oh my god! how funny - what a little monkey! was he oblivious or did he think it was funny? i can feel that panic though - because i have done it so many times where you suddenly think where is he? and you look and he's right there but if you can't actually find him - horrible!
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    oh my goodness - we had max halfway up a flight of marbel steps in spain and I was terrified he was going to fall but rushign towards him made him laugh and more wobbly so I didn't know what to do

    All was well but I hate steps! :lol:

    Max isn't too much of an excapologist thankfully!
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    Omg! I'm dreading this but so far zachariah isn't into going off on his own so I haven't had to deal with this fear/emotion yet. You need padlocks and eyes everywhere with these little terrors haha! Glad all was safe, maybe we should attatch shop like bells on all the doors and have tracking devices fitted haha!
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    Floyd has learnt that he can open the front door and escape! lukily i live at the top of an alley so we're not right on the road as i keep forgeting to lock the door when he does escape he starts runing and if i run after him he gets faster and it normally ends with him falling over and hurting himself... he ran out the other day and the door slamed on his fingers i was in the back garden and herd the door but had to put Carter down and the pushchair was in front of the door so he was screaming with his fingers in the door for about 20 seconds it was horrible i felt sick and was shaking for ages he wasnt to bothered tho as his buscuit made him feel better and his fingers are fine they were just a bit squashed for a couple of hours image
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    I hate stairs - I bet you went into shock for a while.... A week ago Bryn opened the stairgate and made his way across the garden and onto the road... I ran out and picked him up just as a car came around the corner - we live on a country lane through a village so it wasn't too busy but at the same time the car wouldn't have been able to swerve to miss him! Kids eh?! xx
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    I took Maddy to a shoe shop and the it was one where you have to take a ticket and wait your turn. The lady called our number and I showed her the ticket, explained what we had come for, looked down and Maddy was gone!!! She had run out of the shops front door onto the main street through Coventry!! Luckily my Aunty was outside having a cigarette and caught Maddy as she ran past her!! I felt so sick... she could have run out onto the busy road. image
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    They are all such little monkeys that like scaring there mummies lol
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