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Big boy Bren has started nursery! =)


Well last week Brendan had his first two days at barnehage (nursery) and loved it! image
I am so pleased he is getting the interaction he needs from other children and there is so much for him to do there. He is just going for two days a week at the moment but we may increase this as he seems to love it so much. There are 8 children in the 0-3 year olds section he is in and that is on their full day, they take up to 10 a day so as they are not full I can change his day if I need to one week which is great to have such flexibility.
A girl I know who is from South Africa originally has also just set up an english speaking mothers and baby group and we had our first meet last week too. There are a few Norwegian mums who speak english and want their children to speak english and so play with English speaking children, and some that are married to English guys and have children with them. SO not only have I met more English speaking mums Bren has more english speaking friends too. The group is being run as a bit of fun but she is going to put some structure to it so we will do a story, nursery rhyme, and letter of the alphabet every week.

Now I just have to focus on improving my norwegian!! :roll:

Hope everyone else is good, sorry I don't get on here as often, my two little men are keeping me busy as you can imagine! xxx


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    Awww glad he's enjoying nursery and that your getting to know more english speaking mummies. From September I've decided to start doing more groups with rhys. He's very sociable and loves playing with other children so I think he'll love being around others more and I want to start getting out a bit more as I get fed up of being stuck in all day.

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    yey i'm so glad he loves it - wow i bet thats strange going from having both boys at home to just having Jacob, do you feel your getting a bit more quality time with jacob now?
    i think its good fopr them to interact - they learn so much and have much more fun than being at home all the time with us... fab its only a small group unfortunatly all the nurseries here are massive so fin is at childminder! he's settling well with new chilodminder although cries when i leave him now which he has never done!

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    Wow that sounds great, and to add to your own social english circle too is a bonus. I'm probably starting zachariah at 2.5 as drs want him to have a head start before nursery but am dreading letting him go. Lol
    we're also hoping to join a few more groups in September while Ive got more time to spend with only zachariah and help us both socially!
    Sounds like Bren is doing fantastically and must be nice for you to spend a bit of quality time with Jacob too image
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    Oh brilliant - that he is loving nursery AND great that you are getting to some groups too. All sounds lovely!

    Max is being a pest about nursery at the mo - he has only been going 1 day a week over the summer hols and has got really huffy about me dropping him off again even though he loves it - hoping once he is back there more and in his usual routine he will be happy and run off when we get there again! image
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    That's brill Liz! xx
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    Thanks everyone, it really is making a huge difference to my week! So weird driving away from the nursery without him! As soon as I get him inside he doesn't look back once at me lol! Far more interested in the toys and children to play with then say bye to me!

    I am very lucky with Jacob as he is so easy going, I've been extremely lazy today and been on facebook messing around tut tut!! Every time Jacob wakes up though I have made a fuss of him and had a play but he is still sleeping loads at the moment so I am making the most out of it!
    My plan today was to go for a walk but it is piddling it down outside so I've given up on that one! xx

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    Sounds lovely Liz, the nursery and the group. I think it's really important for toddlers to be with other chn and also the mum to have some time too! At school you can really tell which chn have never been anywhere without mum. One even came with a dummy when he started reception!
    I'll be back to work part time again in Sept so I'll be going to the baby and toddler group again and Alfs is going to nursery for a morning on a Fri so I'll get some 'just Gracie' time. In January, Gracie will go to Alfie's nursery part time when I'm at work and part to her ch/m.
    Enjoy your little man time Liz, Bren clearly loves his big boy time!
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