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Controlled crying ...

Started doing controlled crying (pick up put down calm down method) with Jacob last night. We moved him into the spare room as it is at the other side of the house so wouldn't distrurb Bren. I had forgotten quite how awful it is leaving them to cry!
I was checking him every 5 mins, calming him down, then leaving the room but after 30 mins it all went to pot as he got so hysterical he was sick :roll:
I had to take him into living room with hubby so we could get him changed and I could change all the cot bedding, then he fell asleep on hubby - so not a great start!!
He ended up being in his cot at 10pm, I slept in the spareroom with him and he only woke at 3am. I tried just giving him water but he wasn't so interested so I added a scoop of formula and he had the whole bottle. Then he went down in his cot again and slept until 7:30am so pretty good.

Now I just put him down for a nap at the first sign of him being drowsy (9;30am) it took half an hour of me going in every 5 mins to calm him down but finally he went to sleep and he has been asleep 50 mins now. Didn't help Bren pointing at the monitor all the time and looking at me as if to say 'why are you leaving my little brother to cry?'. Really hope we can get him sleeping through, he is having three meals a day and a good amount of formula so there isn't really much reason for him not to be. The worst part the last week or so has been he has been having a short nap after his bath and then being wide awake and demanding attention until about 10pm so hubby and I have had no evening.

Wish me luck ladies, I will let you know how we get on tonight!! xx


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    Good luck Liz hope it works for you! Its awful leaving them but it does pay off in the end xxx
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    I'm a big believer in CC short term pain for long term gain! Keeping my fingers crossed that within 4 weeks you'll have a nice calm baba that goes off by himself.
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    oh wow good on you giving it a go.. like you said no real reason for him to wake as must be full but fin still woke up until quite old and i tried the water etc and one day it must have worked but cannot remember when! how old is jacob now???

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    He is 7 months now, can't believe how fast it has gone! I will let you know how I get on! xx
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    Good luck with it Liz xxx
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    Good luck!
    We tried Gracie in her own bed Sat night, but she lasted 3 hours, then was up for 2.5 hrs crying on and off in her cot so sacked it off! She's then slept thru in her cot both nights since so keeping her in it for a while!
    I think CC is a brill way to get them off themselves, just wish it'd worked first time with mi lady...we've had to resort to it 3-4 times or so.
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    We did this with Elijah, with both his naps and night time sleep and the pick up put down thing worked really well. Good luck tonight, hope it goes well for you xxx
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    So far so good ... touch wood!!
    His afternoon nap went well, I put him down in his cot at the first sign he was tired (rubbing his eyes) and left him awake. He made a few noises but was asleep within a few minutes!

    Tonight I gave him his bath a bit earlier, then bottle and as he was falling asleep I put him in his sleeping bag which disturbed him enough so he didn't fall asleep on me. Then took him to his cot, tucked him in and said night night. I had to go in to him twice (after 5 min intervals) but after that just as it got to 4 mins he stopped crying and was fast asleep! That was at 7;15pm, he woke at 8:40pm and had a little cry but after a dummy replug he went straight back to sleep. The same happened at about 9;20pm , and I am sure will happen a few times more yet! Not too bad though, hopefully it won't be too bad a night. I will let you know!!
    We should have done it with him earlier I think as he has got into too many bad habits sleep wise. It is harder when you have more than one to t hink about though.

    Ali - I hope Gracie continues to sleep well for you! Maybe a bit too soon for a big girls bed for her xx
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    Hope your night went well Liz! It definetely must be harder with more than one; remember when i was living with ILs, the trouble we had getting lije into a routine was a nightmare because of the worry of other people being in the house xxx
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    Thanks Bluey.

    Well not going too badly, the night before last he slept until about 4am, then had some very watered down formula and went back to sleep until 7:30am.
    Last night he went to bed at 8pm (we were running late with everything yesterday!) he woke at 11pm and had a bit of a bottle but not much and then went straight back to sleep. Then he woke at about 1:30am coughing, he had a bit more milk and then slept until I got up at 6:30am. His naps during the day are much better and at regular times now too, I know he will have a nap two hours after getting up and another between 1pm and 2pm depending on when his morning nap was.

    He has stopped making a fuss about being put back down in his cot at night like he used to which is great. I am wondering whether it is too soon to move him into the cot in Brens room so I can get back into my bed! As the spareroom is at the other side of the house I don't like him sleeping in there on his own. I have a monitor but with the temps the way they are we have to have an electric heater on in there so I am a bit paranoid of something happening.
    I have put him down for his naps in Brens room today and he was fine, it is a much better mattress in that cot as he is currently sleeping in the travel cot with an extra foam mattress. The cot in Brens room as one of the memory foam mattresses - I wish I could fit in myself and have a sleep lol!

    Has anyone else got los sharing a room? If so how old where they when they started sharing? xx
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    Glad it's going well Liz. My 2 shared a room from day 1 but only because at the last house we lived in Fee was in our room too (the room was huge!!!). As you're probably aware though I'm not a great one for getting them into a routine early - the routine just kind of forms! lol.

    You are doing such a great job at getting him sorted.... I completely understand why you don't want to leave him over the other side of the house - that's why Fee wasn't in her own room at the last house! xxx
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    Thanks Em =)

    Well I put him in with Brendan last night, all went fine until about 1am when Bren started coughing and it woke Jacob up. Brendan just went back to sleep again but Jacob was unsettled so I put him in with us. Very naughty! He woke for a diluted bottle at about 3:30am and then slept until the alarm went off at 6:30am. Hopefully things will imrpve when they have both got rid of these awful coughs! x
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    Wow sounds good Liz, well done, what a good mummy! image Sound like they will both get used to sharing a room after coughs so thats really good xx
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    I hope so Bluey, fingers crossed!! xx
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