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He slept through the night!!



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    Jack started to giggle last week he thought mummy doing starjumps in front room was highly amusing. When i did it the next day he wasnt amused at all.
    Been for 3rd lot of jabs today and hes been giggling all afternoon til aboit 6pm then screamed until bedtime and only drank half his bottle. Looks like im in for a rough night!!!:\(
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    Hope you find out soon about lo's eyes.
    Gracie giggles, and I've just found a tickly spot - on her upper chest rubbing in the snufflebabe stuff! She snorts when she laughs atm but I think that's because of her cold!
    Hope Jack's ok tonight, may just zap him enough to zonk all night, we can but wish!
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    Oh dear hunibuni..hope you have a better night than I did after Cole's injections. Starjumps though... thats a bit energetic of you!!

    Cole has a tickly chest too... he squirms all over when I put his cream on his belly..its really funny
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    Liz- Well done Bren!!! Im sure he'll get there in the end. Its sods law that when they sleep through, you cant because youre so busy checking on them lol

    El Mac- You dont sound horrible at all. The los are so different but as their mummies, we do tend to worry if theyre not doing something that everyone elses are doing.

    Alfie is similar to Bryn-would much prefer to sit upright in his bouncy chair and hates lying flat, hence why he is not rolling yet. Hes far too nosey! But hey ho, these milestones will come and im a lot less worried as they all develop and do things at diff ages.

    I am a guilty party of posting that alfie had not slept through the night when he has done since he was a month old. It was such a shock to the system! You start to get used to the whole night sleep which is prob very naive of me lol

    Alfie laughs at stupid faces and noises (so easily pleased!!!)
    Bless him.

    Reading all the stories about the 4 month jabs (eeek!) Alfie had his today. He was so brave and only cried for 5 secs. Hes been his norm self today so touch wood (my head lol) he'll be good tonight...

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    Waiting4baby- Your lo sounds just like all the others-cheeky but cute! I bet his 1st smile was wonderful to look at.

    I hope his eyesight gets better. Fingers crossed and keep us posted on any developments

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    Hope Alfie was ok!

    Cole might be getting a full nights sleep but I'm not! Between hubby snoring or draping himself over me, the cat & the baby monitor fuzzing i wake up 2 or 3 times a night and of course once i'm awake I have to get up to pee! Yawn! I'm hiding in here hoping Cole will drift back off to sleep so i can go get an extra half hour kip. Its weird.. he won't settle himself in the daytime for a nap except first thing in the morning!
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    hope Alfie was ok after jabs.
    jack had his and although he screamed till bedtime and drank only 4oz he managed to sleep thru till 7am. I had to go hold his hand and stroke his face to re settle him a few times but other than that he was a brave soilder!! I think mummy was more nervous!! xxx
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    Hi never written on this before just joined. My baby boy Finlay was born on 6th Dec so 20 weeks tomorrow. Has nevr slept more than 4 hours at once - then a few nights ago we did his dream feed half hour earlier at 11pm and he slept till 7 - i was sooo excited as very sleep deprived and sooo confused as to why he wouldn't sleep longer. this happened for 3 nights then went totally wrong last night - was up 5 times with him!

    Does anyone else do a dreamfeed? i keep getting told to stop because it makes them think they still feed at night - but he's asleep, my husbnd does it so i can go to bed early and we think that if we stop it i'd have to get up twice... perhaps we should just try it one night!!!

    also have tried offering cooled boiled water, watered down milk and just dummy any other tips???

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    Hi Star11, welcome to the December mummies! I give Bren a dreamfeed on the nights when he hasn't taken as much as normal during the day but to be honest it doesn't seem to make a huge amount of difference to getting him to sleep through. Other than the fluke the other night where he slept through he normally wakes between 3-4am after having his last feed at about 8:30pm. Not bad I know getting about 7 hours solid from him but the trouble is unless I go to bed really early myself I still only get around 5 hours sleep before being woken up!
    If I find out a magic solution I will let you know but I think it is just a case of sticking to a routine and eventually it will happen. x
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    Welcome Star11! My lo Gracie was born on the 10th. I've never given her a dream feed but b4 she slept thru (were very lucky as she was 9wk old) I used to top her up with ff whilst still bf around 10pm but one night we didn't and she slept til about 2am, so only up once in the night, not twice. It wasn't long after that she slept thru, and that was doing it her way, not ours!
    She's had a cold for the last month now and wakes every night and if the dummy re-plugging doesn't work I bring her into our bed and she usually falls back asleep once nose drops, and medicine are given and she's re-rubbed with snufflebabe! All that done whilst half asleep!
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    Hey Star11
    I've never given Cole a dreamfeed but he's been very good and we are lucky that he's slept through pretty much from 6 weeks old (ok at 6 weeks old it was our bedtime he was going to bed). I'm a big believer in letting sleeping babies lie - especially at night so if he was asleep I never wanted to mess with him. You could always try leaving it for one night.

    Ali - its amazing what you can get done when half asleep isn't it! lol
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    thank you for all your replies... going to try not dreamfeeding him tonight and see what happens, fingures crossed it works!
    i think i'm al;ways half asleep! hehe xx
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    Well Bren kind of did it again! He slept from 9pm to 5:15am! Pretty good, well good enough for me anyway!! He seems to want to nap from 8pm to 8:30pm has more bottle and then falls asleep properly by 9pm. Just got to try and get him to go to sleep earlier now so I have more of an evening!
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    Hi LizB wow 8 hours fantastic... does he go back to sleep after 5am bottle?
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    Yep after a nappy change too, although I brought him in with me as he was a bit restless in his cot. He slept through until just after 7am so I am quite happy with that!
    Are you going to drop the dream feed tonight Star11? x
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    Well done Bren - Sam is still all over the place - He still has his dream fed at 11 and then can't make up his mind whether to wake at 3,4,5 or 6! Seems to pick a different time each night.
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    Well done Bren - Bryn decided that it was time to get up just before 5 this morning - he refused point blank to go back to sleep! He did sleep for 4.5 hours before that though and before his midnight feast he had slept all eve which did give me a break..... like Sam he doesn't seem to be following any kind of pattern.
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    Well done Bren! Gracie sometimes falls asleep b4 she has her last bottle at 7.30 ish. That's if she's not had a sleep around teatime. Then she's really playful just b4 bed which is lovely as the boys are in bed so I get to play with her on the rug while hubby makes our tea! (or buggers off to the driving range again like tonight - I'm starving!) Hope the no dreamfeed works Star11!
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    Hi LizB think so although I know it sounds silly but i'm a bit scared!!! it's ridiculous that i' scared but you begin to dread a bad night... saw HV today and she jist rolled her eyes at me when i asked her advise, she just said don;t feed him unless he wakes, easier said than done!!!
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    Ok how stupid am I - I chickened out of not doing dreamfeed! Had a nightmare night feeling really fed up and had a good cry this morning - i feel like i'm getting no-where and i don't get where i'm going soooo wrong!
    Fin was very sleepy more or less faling asleep on 7.30pm bottle which he usually does then goes straight down, but when i moved to put him down he woke up wide awake.. so gave him more milk was fussing and i was getting stressed as could see he was not going down easily. In the end i just put him upstairs and left him to cry - it was horrible and i felt sick but had to do it - i went up and put in dummy and patted bum then in the end Hubby went up as he could see i was getting upset and tried, he finally went off to sleep. Then i think because i was already stressed an tired i just didn't want the night to get worse! How wrong could I be!
    Fin woke at 3.30 full blown crying, i managed to get him back off then woke doing the same at 4.10, 4.40, 5.15, 5.50, 6.30, 7 arrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh I was getting so upset cause all i wanted to do was shut my eyes and go to sleep.
    hubby got up at 5.50 and offered to get hi and bring him in bed but i knew that once i'd done it it could mean he'll get in the habit! which we broke a good while ago and don't want to go back there, especially as he then doesn't curl up and go sleep he thinks its play time! anyway i'm feeling very stressed, upset and worried... worried i know how silly but i get this nervous feeling all the time when things have gone wrong! i feel like i'm going round the bend! does anyone else feel like that or is it just me?
    I think he was waking form wind but not sure, don't know why else i refussed to feed him because i know he can go till 7 so wanted to stand my ground!
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