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Growing up fast

Hi all

Like many of the others, I rather feel like I haven't had a chance to post properly for ages. I try and respond where I can but don't get time to do a full update. Well I'm off work today as C is well and truly ill at the moment, and I need a break from creating spreadsheets and formulae so time is on my side for a reasonable post!

Got the call from nursery yesterday to say he'd been sick, and he's well into a d&v bug. Sorry if tmi, but the sick just poured out of him yesterday like one of those tv throw ups where they just pump it out through a tube! :roll: So far he's kept down what he's had today (some milk and water) but he has only been awake for 45 mins so far. He's back asleep at the moment, which is probably good for him as he's keeping the liquids down, and i'm able to get on with some work so I don't have to take today as holiday. I'm feeling very lucky as work seem to be a lot more accomodating over working from home than it used to be when I was on the old regime.

C is growing up very fast. In the last 2 days he's started climbing onto his Tripp Trapp chair which is suppsed to be when we take the baby bar off and convert it to a chair - but don't quite think I'm ready for that yet. Might give it a few weeks (or hopefully months) before we remove it.

He's loving nursery still and now happily toddles off in the morning. If I stop to chat or call out to say bye he tends to look at me very strangely as it to say 'what are you still doing here?'! :lol:
His experiences at nursery inspired me to get him a little table and chair set in ikea which he loves. It's also saving our dining table from getting crayon and pencil all over it :roll: . He likes having his own chair as it's his own space where he can sit down and is far more his size. We also tried taking the sides off the cot in mid feb as he's used to sleeping on an open bed at nursery. First night wasn't great, though once he was asleep we didn't hear a peep from him - did find him asleep on the floor in the morning though! image Next day he was brilliant for all his naps and happily went down on the bed, and woke up without falling out. That night however, he didn't want to sleep and kept getting up. Unfortunately one time he seemed to fall (he was still wearing a sleeping bag). DH went up, then called me as he said C had been sick - when I went up he hadn't been sick, it was blood on his cushion image . basically he must have fallen over and hit his mouth on the bookcase or similar and split the inside of his lip a bit. There looked like a lot of blood but it wasn't really that bad. DH wasn't that happy so we've gone back to cot format for the moment, though I'm planning that we'll try again relatively soon (probably April) as I think I'd rather crack it now instead of having the additional battle of wills (including it being a game) when he's older. He also keeps stripping his sleeping bag off overnight so it's getting to the point where we aren't going to use them anymore so that problem won't exist any more either.

I'm ultra broody at the moment. I know about 10 babes due before September (including the ones on here) and I'm wishing we could expand the family, but it's out of the question at the moment. Financially it's a struggle with one, and a second would cripple us so it's just not worth doing at the moment.

Works going OK and I am enjoying being back, the adult company and being able to use my brain, take responsibility for stuff etc is nice. Downside is that where we switched companies most of our role is planned to transfer to india over the next year. I'm not totally sure whether it's a good or bad thing. Potentially it's good as it removes so of the pain in the arse tasks from us, but it depends on what they are replaced by, and how much we end up having to do anyway (sometimes communication with our Indian couterparts isn't great due to the terminology - not a slight on them, sometimes it can just take ages to explain things in a way they understand when it would take 2 mins to clarify it to someone else in the office). It's looking like being about a year or more away from the full switch so I've got some time to get used to the changes and look around for a new job if I'm not happy with the new set up.

C seems to be learning loads of signs and words at the moment. We've had signs for eat, drink and hungry for about 5 weeks now and he's very clear about what he wants. It's very helpful. Talking wise we get errow for hello, hiya, muma, dada, up (don't know where that one came from), ta and a couple of others that come and go into his vocab.

We still only have 6 teeth, with plenty of teething pain but still no clear signs in the mouth that further ones are close by :\( . He's now growning out of his 12-18 month clothes so I'm starting a new put-away box for all that I want to keep. Shoe wise thankfully he's still the same size he was in about november (though looks like it might have been wrong at that point). he keeps hiding them but it's not too bad.

Hope you are all well and still enjoying babes/boddlers. It's been lovely to read the updates from you all.


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    Great to hear all yours and Cieran's news. iPhone & babe on lap so sry can't reply properly yet! Life with job & boddler is excesssively busy, eh!!
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    Its lovely to hear updates from you but i know what you mean you start to write then the boddlers need us haha so you rish the post or just totally forget about it and im thinking ill have even less time when the babinos arrive haha! But being a mummy is totally worth it believe me waiting ti be financially stable is a good idea im crapping myself as i dont know how the hell we are going to manage with 4.....i think recyling will defo be the key to this. Im saving now for the twins like ive got a thing with loyds called keep thechange so if i use my card and it comes to 5.49 for example they round it up to 6.00 and put the change in the savings account you dont miss it ad it mounts up reasonable quickly so what was our holiday fund is now the twins fund. Anything i have left at the end of the week (usually not a lot and sometimes nothing) i just put it in my savings account for the twins. I try to not have thw twins miss out on anything and they are doing story tota and tumble tots atm but tumble tots will end when they are 18mnth which is a shame as they love it but ill probly get them into summit else then! A cpl of hobbies is good for them and story tots we pay 50p each and they get juice and buiscuit i get a cuppa tea and a chat and the kids are entertained so its great....tumble tots is 1.50 per child and 50p a parent so again not bnad really. Under ??5 and the twins have 2 hobbies and i have sumwhere to go ad chat to other mums and that image Obv not going atm with Ella being ill so that will be a miss for Ruby i might take her to tumbletots 2mz actually its like 10-11 and its only up the road i dont want her to be resentful to Ella see how she feels tomorrow! If i wanna be with Ella Sam can always take her down. We've just come back from the park and Ruby is having a nap image Anyways didnt mean to write all that im pleased your doing well and i really hope that C is better soon xxxx

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