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HELP - Spitting at meal times - im struggling not to go mad

As the title says really.

My dad went and taught Lo how to blow raspberries so now he does it all the time but specifically at meal times and its driving me mad. At 1st it was funni but now its getting me close to losing my rag.

Every single meal time turns into a massive battle of him blowing raspberries, me getting covered in what ever he is eating, me saying no and then him starting to cry and then refusing to eat anything full stop. Its driving me nuts. My carpet is ruined as he is spitting further than the mess mat. I look like a complete Trog permanently as im always covered in his breakfast/ lunch or dinner.

How on earth do i stop this. I don't like upsetting him but im concerned he's not eating properly as the battle turns into a battle of wills and I can't cope with him spitting at me all the time. Its awful. I look like im totally out of control in public and people I don't know are giving filthy looks.

I've had to put him in his cot where he is currently screaming while I calm myself down and write this.




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    Hi Mini Moo

    I am in exactly the same position as you. Jack learnt to blow raspberries himself but he is doing it at most meal times as well & thinks its funny when I tell him "no, stop being a bad boy" he just laughs/smiles then crys when he knows I mean business. Like you I thought it was funny & cute to begin with but its take at least twice as long to feed & its driving me up the wall as well.

    Im not sure myself how to stop it as I think its a natural stage they go through & I hate upsetting Jack as well. Im sure you LO will be getting enough to eat. Do you give him finger foods? if so maybe try uping the amount you offer that way he will eat what he wants while you try & spoon feed him his breakfast/lunch or dinner.

    Maybe we should ignore when they do it as they are getting a reaction when doing it & think its funny so by not reacting they might get bored & stop.

    Sorry really not much help if any

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    I wish i knew as we are having the same problem, to the extent that I it feels as though i'm forcing food through his lips, its ridiculous. All he does at mealtimes is blow raspberries and purse his lips and seems to eat very little, yet in nursery he eats roast dinners and loads of other things...
    I'm hoping he'll get over it, he's been doing it for weeks so not holding out much hope !!!

    Sorry, not much help.

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    oh girls - Thankyou so so so so much - i know it sounds weird but im just so grateful im not the only one. I thought I was going nuts.
    Stacey - I think you might be right about ignoring it and hopefully they will get bored.
    I have just sat here and had a big cry simply because im cross with myself for getting cross. Its so stupid because I know he doesn't mean it.
    Usually I can hold my nerve but tonight I just couldn't :cry:
    We are following BLW so im not actually using a spoon unless its yoghurt and even then I've been trying to just load it and let him feed himself. It was working great and all I did was sit next to him to make sure he didn't choke etc. Im no longer sure how much he is actually eating between what is getting lobbed across the room or spat at me :\?
    He finally went and dropped his bottles down to 3 a day this week after HV telling me he was having too much only for him to now start being weird with food - ARGGHHH
    Maybe the hot weather doesn't help - I know I have very little appetite so maybe he doesn't either?
    Sarah I feel the same about forcing food through his lips - i find myself sitting there for nearly an hour just hoping he will eat something else only to get more annoyed.
    Well I am at least so very relieved im not on my own with this. Thankyou for responding and cheering me up.

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    Don't worry it is a phase and it will pass, we were having an awful time with Olivia doing this at meal times so much so that I dreaded every meal time and both of us usually ended up crying. I would have scolded her saying no, and then because I was scolding her she would have thrown a tantrum and start hitting the spoon out of my hand so that the food went everywhere, we still have days like this but it has been getting easier again xxx
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    i really hope that it improves for you all. We do blw so the mess is incredible - we have just bought a carpet cleaner!!!

    I would try not to show your stress as they are clever little mites and will pick up on it - but also and this is only my experience - they dont need the food yet so if they dont take it i would just abandon highchair and move onto something else - toby literally had 3 cheerios before starting to moan - so that was the end of breakfast as i dont want him to have a food complex.

    The other day he had no dinner at all as he cried when i put him in the highchair. Their milk is still where they get everything so if you are really worried i would just add in maybe a couple more floz.

    Hugs x
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    Snap honey! Imhaving roddy snatching the spoon out of my hand, hense food flies everywhere.. I know what you mean about the spitting , it is cute but when you have to change tops 4 times a day it gets tiresome xx
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    aprons are fab - though i look like my mother in law!
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    Ha Ha summer! Is it Hilda Ogden Summer xx
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    seriously i am so sad - i was wearing it the other day and was thinking how handy it would be to have 2 pockets instead of one. Seriously think going back to work will be good for me! x
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