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Here's a question for you all - what do you do with your lo when you need to get on with stuff around the house. DS isn't very good at entertaining himself and wants me to play constantly!
K x


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    I am very lucky that dd is more than happy to entertain herself. If I'm in the kitchen then I like to keep an eye on her and she goes either in her walker or her door bouncer. If I am tidying in the lounge or just running upstairs for a few minutes I will leave her play on the floor. She is happy to play on the floor in her own for up to 30 minutes!! xx
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    Hmm well DD is happy to entertain herself too (for about 10mins or so) but she's going through a phase of being a bit clingy & needing to see me.

    Anyway, what I usually do is:
    If I'm going to be spending a bit of time in the kitchen (making purees, cooking, dishes, cleaning etc) then I take her in with me and put her in her activity centre or in the door bouncer.
    When she has her morning nap (which is in the travel cot in the living room) then I whizz and clean upstairs.
    Everything else I do, I make sure she's safe, put music on, give her plenty of toys, and let her roll & crawl on the carpet!! I then always pop in & out inbetween cooking/cleaning/ironing/washing/working lol!! image
    She's absolutely fine and i think it's good she's not relying on me to be her entertainment. I ALWAYS sing & talk alllll the time to her so she knows she's not on her own and we always have "our time" every evening before bath & bed.
    Think it's just a case of "having" to do these things chick, he's maybe got used to you being the one to entertain him but just leave him to it for 5 mins here & there, even just for a break for you. I'm sure he'll be fine and you know he's safe!
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    I think its just he has such a small attention span - he gets bored quickly. Plus - he can't roll front to back yet so gets frustrated when he is on his front. Although - he doesn't like lying down at all now - he just wants to sit or stand the whole time which is fine but - again he gets bored ! I put him in his learn and groove station earlier and he was happy enough so I went outside to hang out the washing. After a while I heard him grizzling but I thought he's got to learn that I can't be there 24/7 and I have to get on with things, so I left him until he started to cry properly. When I went in he was in such a state - so upset. I felt awful !!!

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    Oh honest K DD is the same as H - she gets bored easy and wants to move onto the next thing! I feel like I have a production line of toys & entertainment going on in my living room!!! How on earth can 1 little human being need so much stuff?!? :lol:
    Hmm well yeah she gets grizzly too, I start singing to her, and play peekaboo games, then she knows I *will* cone back when I've gone out of sight!!!!
    It's so hard sometimes to know if what you're doing is right but all we can do is our best image xx
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    phoebe has almost outgrown it but i use her doughnut to sit her in while i get jobs in the same room done. she is still a bit wobbly sitting up so that way i know she wont topple over! in her bouncer she is usually best behaved and lasts longest!
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    I think maybe he is bored of his toys .. he used to LOVE his Learn and Groove but even that doesn't amuse him everytime now. Think I'm going to order him a walker tonight so that he can get about ... ooh - Glee is starting - must dash ! LOL
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