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Any Weaning Tips?

Ok, so Thursday is D day (or should that be W day??) - we are starting Callum on solids!! So I know that some of you are old hands at this weaning lark now and just wondered if you have any tips for someone just starting out. The carrot puree is defrosting in the fridge ( we've decided to skip the baby rice unless he strugles with his veg!) and the splash mat is on stand by!

So - any advice for a weaning novice? :lol:

Thanks for your help!

WW xXx


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    Take it slowly!

    He may love it, as my boys did, or he may take time to get used to it.

    Start small. We started with carrot after a milk feed and the boys couldnt get enough but we made the mistake of letting them keep going and they both had a bad tummy that evening.

    Have fun - you will get messy, so will he, but its a fab time if you enjoy it! lol!
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    Have a camera/video camera ready, the faces they pull are always worth a shot ready to show the girlfriend in many years to come...!

    But on a more practical note, as Gemmiebaby said take it slow, as they can be a bit greedy and guzzle it before they're ready. On the flip side, don;t be disheartened if he seems not bothered. just give it another whirl the next day. He'll soon get the hang!

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    I agree with the other girls really, dont worry if he grins his nose up to begin they suggest trying things 10 times before u know they deffo dont like it. Smile at everything u feed him adn make it a happy occasion. Sometimes if S grins his nose up at something i smile and make silly noises and he'll eat it!! Good luck~!
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    Thanks for all of your help. So far so good as they say! Callum seems to like his high chair and he loved his carrot today! It was so funny watching him trying to grab the spoon each time! He hasn't quite got the hang of it yet as he was opening his mouth for another spoonful when he still had the last lot in his mouth! Time to work on the whole swallowing thing! I managed not to get covered - but we now have a sleep suit with a very orange sleeve to try and rescue - any tips on that one?

    I think we'll try carrot again tomorrow and then swede at the weekend.

    I'm glad you said about keeping the portions small, even if they wolf it down - I would have been tempted to add an extra cube of carrot tomorrow if you hadn't said!

    Well here's some evidence of today's efforts! As you can see, he decided to wear most of it!

    Let's hope that tomorrow goes as well!

    Thanks again for your tips!

    WW xXx image
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    I'm pleased he enjoyed it. Sorry no advice on the carrot stains, they are a pain in the bum and i have not found anything to get rid of it yet. X
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    nope, im stumped on the carrot stains too!! grr!

    have you been mixing the carrot with anything or just puree on its own? i seem to be in the habit of mixing the fruit and veg in with her usual baby rice!
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    Hey, we have 2 of those highchairs! lol!

    Have you tried soaking in Napisan? Fantastic stuff!
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    What a gorgeous pic!!
    As for carrot stains, they're crazy! Although I couldn;t live without my Vanish Oxy white powder, OMG, how sad am I?!

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    What a gorgeous pic!!
    As for carrot stains, they're crazy! Although I couldn;t live without my Vanish Oxy white powder, OMG, how sad am I?!

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