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night waking

Hi, my lo is 7mths this week and she is still waking for a breast feed overnight . Any tips on how to stop this would be appreciated. She has three good meals a day and snacks, and three breast feeds in the daytime. She also wakes for a feed about 10.30. Is it just habit??Al x


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    Does she wake during the night after the 10.30 feed or is that the only one? To get rid of that one you could try waking her 15mins earlier to feed her, do that for three nights and then bring it forwards another 15 mins and repeat untill she is only having her bedtime feed. To get Millie out of the habit of waking over night (she used to wake about 5.00am) I had to just stop feeding her. I used pick up put down to try and settle her without the feed, it didn't really work as she never went back to sleep but I only had to do it for 2 nights before she gave up and started sleeping through.
    Good luck!
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    Hi, lo is waking later at around 01.00/02.00. I have tried not feeding her but she cried for an hou and a half, then woke again an hour later. Al x
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