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Just had 4th section!!

Hi all,

Well I've had the 4th c-section on Monday - came home yesterday evening. I do actually feel really well! The section went well (although very close to having an Hysterectomy - but I shall explain all that in a moment) I'm on fragmin which has to be injected into the tummy and luckily hubby gets to do the last one tonight!!

I know a few of you were asking about a 4th - so here is my opinion - find out how your placenta wound contracted in section no 3 first. Reason why - no one explained the risks of hysterectomy to me and the wound not closing up properly. Apparently 1st section is 1 in 2000, 2nd - 1 in 1500, 3rd - 1 in 85 and 4th - 1 in 20!! So I was deemed very high risk and last on the planned list in case of complications. So whilst I'm down there and they've given me my syntocyin the antheasist says to the consultant do you need an infusion? I asked what's that and it's a drip, the consultant says ask again in 15 mins well after about 3 she asks for it!! She said that it was a good thing this was my last.

So there you have it - baby was 8lb 7 1/2oz - very healthy and he is lovely we have called him Awstyn, I'm having the odd twinge and niggle but to be expected - I don't regret this one bit but I may have felt differently if I had know all the risks first!

Good luck with whatever you all decide x x x


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    Thankyou taffygirl for the update, glad you and baby are well.
    my consultand said during the op that i was a good candidate for a 4th section but were just trying to decide on when we want to try might have a word with consulant before hand though. xx
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    congrats on your new arrival, and telling us your story, fab name!
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    Thanks for telling your story! I am 6 weeks away from my second c-section, and the worry of only being recommended to have 3 is something that constantly plays on my mind.

    Congratulations on your new baby boy!! xx
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    Congratulations on your little boy arriving!!

    And thanks for telling us that about the placenta wound, I hadn't heard of that before.

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    Congrats Taffygirl, Really pleased everything turned out ok for you and your new son.
    But reading your story it has put me off trying again now lol.
    Oh i think i will just stick to the 3 i have and be thankful. Good luck for the future. x x x x
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