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1st baby home birth?

Hi everybody!
I got my BFP a couple of weeks ago, (What a surprise!)
Anyway, I'm still very early on (seeing Doctor tomorrow) but I was wondering about a homebirth. I live just down the road from Ninewells hospital, so if they needed to move me, it wouldn't take long - but I remember reading somewhere that they tend not to encourage 1st-timers to have a homebirth, and maybe to wait until the 2nd one? Is this right? I'm hoping that they'll be ok with it, and I know they have to wait until 36ish weeks to monitor baby's progress, but if everything is going along fine, then they can't object, can they?

Yours confusedly,
L x


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    hello congrats on your BFP!

    As for your doc or more importantly your midwife being supportive of you having your first baby at home I would say that depends on the midwifes attitude to homebirth. I had my first baby at home and had a very supportive midwife! who said yes although my doc said no!

    I think having your first baby at home is the best as first labours tend to be longer and you are able to relax better at home which help speed up labour and make it easier and less painful This is a really good site to look at it gives lots of advice and info.

    I had my 4th baby at home last year and hope to have my 5th at home in Sept. It is good to remember that if you really want a homebirth it is your legal right to have one just tell them you are having a homebirth and they should support you.
    As you say they monitor you carefully and if there is any problem you can always change your mind.
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    Congratulations on your news!

    I had my first baby at home, and am planning to do the same with this one. There is no reason why you shouldn't - if there are any complications likely, then you would plan a hospital birth anyway.

    There is an argument that your 1st baby is actually the safest one to have at home, as your labour progresses more slowly, you would usually have more warning if things were not going as they should.

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    I also had my first at home, with no opposition from anyone. Midwife was fully supportive. I'm hoping to have my second due in december at home too.
    Good luck with your pregnancy!
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    Thank you ladies! I will phone the midwife and ask tonight. First scan soon!
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    I had my first baby at home in London last November. Who needs a practice run? Just go for it if it is what you want. Im due again in January and have since moved to Sydney where Im planning another hb. Unfortunately Im up against the "system" here that is so opposed to hb - they all think you are sick and injured and MUST be in a hospital with an obstetrician! Totally not necessary. After having my first baby at home, no drugs, very relaxed and a wonderful birth, I wouldnt have it any other way and I love to encourage any women who has the slightest interest to do the same. I was so relaxed that my labour started very quick and lasted 6.5hrs start to finish. To be able to cuddle up in bed as a family immediately afterwards is priceless and it simply doesnt compare to being in a hospital bed with your partner gone home and your baby next to you in a glass box or down the hall in a nursery!
    I wish you all the best. x
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    Hi, had my homebirth with 1st baby last week! will be putting up my story shortly when I get chance. had supportive midwives/system and all went fine image
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    i had my first baby at home in march. all mws were supportive. you are not sick so if having a problem free pregnancy shpuldnt need to be in a hospital, which is full of sick people! you get much more one on one care at home too. i didnt decide until i was 36 weeks either. and you can change your mind even if you are in labour with a mw there! i hired a pool which was fab
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    Good luck for getting your home birth! I think a lot of it depends on how supportive your mw is. I wanted my 1st at home but i 'wasn't allowed'. second I intended to have him at home but ended up being taken in to hospital. This time I am hoping and praying I get my own way!
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    Thankfully, even if these midwives aren't supportive, I might be moving soon, so hopefully I'll get a second chance at HB supportive midwives!

    That's if little one sticks around... getting a bit worried now. :S
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    16ish weeks now, and definitely planning Homebirth, but dear nearly husband is still a bit worried, and thinks I should go to hospital. He seems to be happier with the idea of a birthing pool, as someone at his work said it was a good idea... oh the options. Anyone got any positive homebrith stories WITHOUT a pool?
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    hey starting early

    i anticipated using a pool - wanted to actually give birth in there, time came - i hated it!! never expected that so gave birth on dry land near the sofa, hope to try again next time in the pool though as we bought our pool but i wouldnt pin my hopes on it!

    plenty of people just use the bath or do it on dry land too - i liked giving myself the option lol!!

    if your hubby is freaking out, find my birht story written by my hubby - shouldnt be too far down the threads list on this section, i bet it will convince him!!!

    jane xxx
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    I will go and look for the story now.
    To be honest, I think he's going to be so panicky that he's "feeling useless" and "can't do anything" that I'll end up really cross with him! I know he's worried about me (he keeps having nightmares that I'm going to die while giving birth) but really, I think that if I feel labour coming on and he's not about, I won't tell him for as long as possible - because he'll just rush about like a headless chicken.

    Sounds terrible doesn't it? But I don't think I need someone worrying over me. Anyone else feeling this way?
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    if you have a straight forward pregnancy there is no reason why you cant have a hb with your first. i had one. nobody even questioned it! you are not ill, you dont need to go into hospital.
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