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bringing maternity leave forward

hi just looking for some advice/opinions really after asking family, my boss hasn't been the most understanding person during this pregancy and i have 2 weeks left at work but i'm exhusted and wondered if anyone has bought their mat leave forward? Or did you get signed off sick by your GP?

sorry to waffle, lauren 36w x


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    Hi hun G/C my understanding is that you could get signed off but if you are off ill 1 month before due date your employer can start your maternity leave early, which lets face it would suit you, so get to Dr get note and see what they say...xx
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    Just to echo what WW said, she is right so you'd be aswell gettin doc to sign you off especially if your boss isn't very understanding they probably wouldn't let you bring it forward xx
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    Poor you. Work places seem to be very poor and it has surprised me because in this day and age, I thought they would be much more understanding or at least look like they cared. A colleague of mine was simply ill at the end. The Dr wouldn't give a sick note - not because he didn't agree with her but because many don't these days and simply self certificate. Your work place can just start your mat leave in the last weeks so I would just go to Dr, tell them you are shattered and not coping, work making life diffcult etc and explain you feel it best to take some time to rest. See if he will certificate, if not just don't go in. By four or five days say you are really struggling to feel any better and Dr agrees you need time to rest etc. They will make their own minds up about what to do with you! HTH. Remember that you and baby are the most important things and they don't really have a leg to stand on. Do whatever you feel you need to.
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    thanks ladies! who'd work eh? lol
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    Hi hun

    Speak to your HR dept, if you have one.

    Last week at 32 weeks baby dropped into pelvis and head is engaged. I had to go to hospital to check everything was ok which thankfully it was but now Im in pain and struggle to walk never mind work. I had been due to finish at 34weeks than take holiday but I basically said this wasn't going to be possible. HR have told me to go sick for last few days before hol and then have hol and mat leave as planned.

    I think they can only force start mat leave depending circumstances and how long it is before going off sick and mat leave. If it had been longer than say 2 weeks difference I think they would have changed my mat leave but then you have to refill forms in etc - so this way it was simpler for everyone. Plus I still get full pay for all of sick leave too - which is something that concerned me too.

    Good luck hun!

    H xxx

    P.S Just wanted to say, its not a competition so don't make yourself feel guilty because you didnt make it as far as you had planned. You just have to think about you and baby and getting a bit of 'me' time before LO's arrival.
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    I work in Hr and our policy is:

    You need to give at least 28 days notice of bringing your mat leave forward, so as you don't have enough time for this this option is out of the question.

    I'd recommend you call in sick or get a GP to sign you off. As you are within 4 weeks of the due date and you are having pregnancy related sickness, your company can then make you start your mat leave immediately, which suits you. There is no need to necessarily get signed off as you can self-certify for the first 7 days absence.

    The only thing to also consider is, whether you were going to take holiday before starting your mat leave? If so, you may lose the holiday if you don't take it - depends on your company's policy.

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