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Head lice tips!

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What are your tops tips for getting rid and keeping rid of head lice - the wierder the better. My favourite one so far is smothering the hair in mayonaise - bet it's nice and shiny afterwards! 


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    comb through hair with conditioner after every hair wash - it certainly keeps the numbers down but obviously doesn't kill them.
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    Definately comb through with lots of conditioner and a nit comb.The cheaper combs don't get them all,but the Nitty Gritty one is very good.It doesn't kill them,but if you get the eggs out,and this comb does,there'll be nothing to hatch,so you get rid of them that way.Its time consuming,so you can't get rid over night,and of course you get the little blighters trying to crawl away,maybe onto you,I had four on my t shirt which were probaly trying to find a home on me,so I either wash them down the sink or wipe them off the comb onto white kitchen towel so I know they're done.

    My Grandad used to tell us that his mother used to "crack" them with her thumbnali as she got them out.They didn't have lotions in those days.

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    Hi i have 5 kids and dread the nitty letter but its a fact of life image  I was sick of spending a fortune treating and combing everyones hair through only for them to return the next week as other kids pass them back again, my best tip is to always comb through their hair every couple of days and my Bestest ever tip is Listerine Original mouthwash (think it has to be the original but not too sure), I throw it on their dry hair with a towel around their shoulders and leave it on for about 20mins and then rinse off and comb through and have used on two seperate occassions now and has worked for us all, and a LOT cheaper than the nit solutions image

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    When my daughter picked these up when she was only 1, I didn't want to use any artificial chemicals and was recommended tea tree oil conditioner.  It worked, I smothered her hair with tea tree oil conditioner and combed them all out.  Had to do the same for me (with v long hair) and it worked too!

      Will use this technique again if she gets them in future as I don't want to use strange chemicals if it isn't necessary!

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    I was going nuts about nits!!! Started new term and within weeks there was notes coming home. I have  3 girls at junior school and each have had an attack of the pesky beasts. I have tried everything and believe me the expensive shop treatments dont always work and most deffinately a waste of time if all the other kids are not treated. Anyway this year my kid's school have joined a scheme and make money from every paren that orders this chemical free 100% cure treatment plan of getting rid of nits. It is amazing and since I got it for  £2.99 we have been nit free. Its from headlicedeadlice co uk and its called head lice PETS. No more messing around, it's gone for good
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    Found this recently when looking for head lice tips and had to come back and share my tip!  I found this and it was fantastic - also chemical free!  I swear by it nowimage
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    I get in the shower with my son and a cheap plastic nit comb. We leave the shower running and condition his hair then comb it thoroughly. This ensures that anything I comb out goes down the plug hole. Do this twice a week for a couple of weeks and they're all gone.
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    I heard the other day that oil is good as it blocks the skin of the nit and then they die so, I would recommend olive oil as it's also a deep conditioning treatment - then wash out...
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    Prevention is better than cure, thanks to Morrisons they sell a nit repellent for £1.95 for a little bottle and it has been valuable, I spray my 9 year old and myself with it everyday (as I work with children) and so far so good none of the little critters (and hopefully it will stay that way).

    The spray is a little bit greasy so you may have to wash the hair more frequently but much rather greasy hair than horrible nits.

    I also wash my hair and daughters' hair with apple shampoo (also cheap from Morrisons).

    Try it and see if it works!!

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    I use tea tree oil conditioner and a nitty gritty, (they live beside my chair so I can do it often!!)

    I found using hairspray/gel to stiffen the hair stops the lice being able to lay eggs, if they do manage it then it's easier to wash them out.
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