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Overdue and Desperate - Does Clary Sage Really Work ?

Hi, Does anyone know if the use of a couple of drops of clary sage in your bath can bring on labour ? I'm due to be induced in a week and I really don't want to have this done so I'm trying all the other methods. Has anyone tried Clary Sage or do you know if its safe to use after 40wks in small concentration ?



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    Hi emma, i had an aromatherapy hand massage and the lady said it's pretty potent stuff. There's a post further down here about natural induction methods and it says u can put it on a flannel on your tummy but i reckon in the bath works better. I'm off to buy some today actually! Good luck xx.
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    Thanks - I tried it earlier today - just a few drops in the bath - had a few strong contractions but as usual they have stopped again. I've been having braxton hicks for weeks now they seem to get down to 10 mins apart then stop ! I've also been trying raspberry leaf tea for the last 2 weeks - just desperate not to be induced. If anyone else has any other tips ???????
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    Hi Emma,
    Thats one i havent tried im in the same predicament as u hun....Gonna get some Clary Sage tom...
    Uve probably heard all these before but have u tried hot curries/sex/going over speed bumps/nipple tweeking/eating pineapples/raspberry leaf tea to reduce time in labour some one told me belly dancing....There worth a go...
    Let me no how u get on.....
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    Apparently a big study in sweden showed nipple tweaking was the best one for stimulating oxytocin and making your womb contract. Just think about the afterpains you get as your womb contracts back down when u breastfeed, same idea really.
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    hi everyone.

    I used clary sage for my second and third births. Whether it started labour difficult to say but they were quick. also tried raspberry leaf tablets, very hard to swollow.

    a good massage when contractions start nipple stimulation and rubbing ankle above ankle bone on outside of leg. stimulates labour contractions so my midwife friend told me.

    Hey anything worth a try

    good luckimage
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    Thanks I've tried all the stuff mentioned and nothing seems to be working - though not tried the nipple tweaking bit - may give that ago with the curtains shut !!!! I think this baby likes the chocolate supply I keep eating so its deciding to stay put !!! Its just so fustrating that contraction are happening all day on and off and have done for weeks and when they finially become regular they stop after about an hour. Also tried a a second bath with the clary sage today - nothing yet - will let you know if it worked.
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    Can you only use Clary sage as you approch your due date? is it supposed to be that strong? Just a bit curious x
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    Well it does say on the bottle not to be used in pregnancy but I've heard of lots of people using it so thought I woul give it a go but I did wait until after I had missed my due date because if it did make me go into labour and something went wrong I would never forgive myself and would be wishing I had left things upto nature ! but I'm getting induced in a week if I can't go into labour before and im struggling !!! the problem is nothing can be proven to work one thing may work for one may not work for another plus it might just be the fact that that particular person was going to go into labour anyway even without doing any of the old wives tales. But I think when you get to you due date and go passed it like myself you hope something will work and are willing to try anything !! I will say that I only did put a few drops in the bath as im not sure what you're really meant to do as its my first I'm clueless !!!
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    i must admit that i have not tried this one myself but my sister did,also u r not meant to do this so please dont.she put a few tablespoons full of codliver oil in a glass with some pure orange juice and drink it.sha said that she could of stood the spoon up in it.but it did the job,within in hours her waters broke and had her second son.apparentley the midwifes can tell if u have done this so i wouldnt reccomend this. i have heard eating pineapple helps,sex is another.u have to make sure u have an orgasm,thats whats meant to start the contractions off.i heard that one off one of my baby programmes.
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    i must admit that i have not tried this one myself but my sister did,also u r not meant to do this so please dont.she put a few tablespoons full of codliver oil in a glass with some pure orange juice and drink it.sha said that she could of stood the spoon up in it.but it did the job,within in hours her waters broke and had her second son.apparentley the midwifes can tell if u have done this so i wouldnt reccomend this. i have heard eating pineapple helps,sex is another.u have to make sure u have an orgasm,thats whats meant to start the contractions off.i heard that one off one of my baby programmes.
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    Cod Liver oil that sounds horrid !!! a few people have mentioned caster oil but I just can't bring myself to do it ! the thought of it makes me feels sick ! well im just about to try my third bath in Clary sage it just doesn't seem to work for me so will be off for a long walk after whilst eating a pineapple !!!!
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    I looked it up on computer and read that 6 drops of clary sage should be added to milk and then put in your bath... good luck xxxx
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    Thanks Sam, I will try that tonight, been to see my consultant today again who gave me another internal. Cervix is still closed so its looking more likely that I will be induced on Monday so I'm going to be trying all the natural induction stuff over the weekend !
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    Oh im so fed up was due on tuesday have tried evrything sex, baths, walking, house work etc dont know what to do now image help!!
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    Sorry emma and lisabby... fresh pineapple apparently and perhaps exercise... keep walking or A gentle swim are some suggestions i've heard. Good luck xxx
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    Thanks for all your advice, well I was 9 days overdue, at 7 days overdue I had an internal and was told my cervix is still shut and I won't be going into labour in the next two days at least. So the day after my internal I had Accupunture as a last resort though in my head I thought it isn't going to work as the consultant said its not going to happen over the weekend, see you on Monday for an induction. When I had the accupunture, I asked if induction by accupuncture can work and how quickly can it work ?? I was told within 24hours if it does work though it doesn't work for everyone. Well 5 hours later I went into labour !!! though it did take 30 hours of contractions and I ended up with a C section but I now have a beautiful Daughter named Evie. So I will definitely try Accupuncture again.
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    Hiya emma, im now 4 days overdue and have been tryin everythin, whats accupuncture like, does it hurt? i know thats a stupid question right now coz i will be havin a painful experience sooner or later but ive never had it.
    i dont know what im havin yet, ive picked Evie Grace for a girl or Jake Oscar for a boy, ive always liked Evie, hope you and baby are doin well.
    hope mine arrives soon, just takin its time, happy in there.
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    Was reading today about nipple stimulation and apparently an american study showed that to be truly effective it has to be done for 3 sessions of 45 minutes per day or shorter sessions for a total time of 3 hours!!!! I feel sore already - think battery powered stimulants might be called for if I have to rely on this...
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    Hi Daska, hope you're okay. The Acupuncturist used about 4 or 5 needles. They were positioned on my toes, hands and my ear ??? the one he put on my one toe came a bit sharp but it didn't really hurt. It took about 5 mins to put them in then I just lay there relaxing. I will definitely be trying it again. It may be complete coincidence that it happened 5 hours after I had it, but when I had the internal the day before, the consultant said it shouldn't happen in the next couple of days due to my cervix still being closed !!!!

    My little one is doing really well thank you being a mom is the best thing in the world.
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    hey ladies tryed the clary sage last night and this morning i put a few drops in the bath and all it has done for me at the mo is give me a sore throut and a blocked nose lol also had a curry last night and still gettinng no where, oh well she will come when she is ready :roll:
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