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He slept through the night!!

I know Bren is a bit behind a lot of your los in terms of sleeping but last night for the first time he slept through from 9:30pm to 7am!!!!! I was so impressed! image Particularly as he took a while to settle as he was so squirmy he kept kicking his blankets off so I thought I was in for bad night.
Regardless to say I was awake pretty much on the hour from 3am onwards worrying whether he was ok or not!! Can't win can we!! image

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it wasn't just a fluke! x


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    well done Bren, clever boy xxxx
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    Well done Bren - keep going at it little man!

    Liz - i still wake up and check on Amy in the night and she's been sleeping through since 7 weeks - we certainly can't win them all!

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    Well done Bren! Hope he keeps it up! x
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    My lo is behind too! And it makes me really sad when people post that they had a bad night because their lo was awake in the night - my lo has only ever done 12 - 7 once. (I'm not having a go at those who have posted that, I really really promise and I'm definately not saying that you shouldn't post it, but I hope you can see where I'm coming from lol!)
    Hope this is the start of more sleep for you Liz. I'm hoping that now I'm weaning and upping lo from 1 ff to 2 ff a day that my panda eyes might go down a little.

    I was just thinking yesterday I'm suprised that I haven't broken more things [eg plates, glasses] and then today I've burnt my finger on my ghd staightners : (

    El x
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    Thanks ladies, not sure he will do it again but I can always hope!

    El, fingers crossed your lo sleeps through soon. Sounds like you are at about the same stage as me with upping formula and weaning so maybe it will do the trick? Even just the odd night would be a bonus wouldn't it! x
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    Ouch - dry burns sting!!! My friend once burnt her belly on the iron, but didn't feel a thing as she was still numb from a c-sec!
    Hope he's sleeping thru soon. Although Gracie doesn't want a night feed, she's been waking and coming into our bed for the last mth with a bad cold. Cos she can't breathe she can't settle and we can be awake for a while. Today it's hit me...I'm more tired now than when I was feeding her 3x a night!
    Please send cold-zapping vibes my way and I'll send lullaby-waves to Oakley!
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    Well done Bren! Hope he manages it again tonight.

    El - It must be awful hearing people going on about their lo's sleeping all night - I know we are lucky that Cole ususally does well at night and I try not to complain when he does wake up..even if I felt like a zombie on friday when he woke 6 times!
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    well done bren, liz u must be feeling refreshed even if u did wake up to keep eyes are still puffy from last night!

    el, im the same, im bit envious of everyone gettin better sleep. ryan used to go straight back afternight feeds but now stirs all night and wants to sleep on my chest. he had a crappy night last night so i kicked oh onto couch and had him in bed wit me. after keeping him up all day today and drawing out bed time he has just gone to sleep, on his own in his cotbed snuggling a giraffe and i gave him formula for his last feed. some of u might have read about me tryin to stop bf but im such a loser at it i always give up.

    have also stopped the food and am going to only give a little baby rice at 4 as i dont think he is digesting it properly and is constantly constipated. hope this all helps his night times. for my sake!!
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    Thank you everyone you've been so kind, I thought you were all going to send me hate mail!!! As I said before please don't get me wrong and as many people have said before all lo are different and it's not a competition and I know that we are all here to support one another - you guys know way more about me than a lot of my friends! Spent the whole afternoon / evening worried that you'd all hate me and not reply to any of my posts any more as I'd been so horrible! I really didn't mean to say that I didn't want to read posts about lo sleeping, it's just Oakley isn't quite there yet.

    Liz - I'm hoping it happens a few more times even if it's not every night.

    Kia - I know how it feels when your lo throws you a curb ball. Up 6 times sounds awful. I think you just always think the grass is greener. - When Oakley was 2 weeks and was literally awake all night I use to think if only you'd sleep I don't mind you waking up for a feed but just sleep inbetween. - And now he does and I want more.

    Ali - LOL it must be weird to look down at your belly see a burn and not feel it. But more to the point what was she doing ironing after she'd had a baba!?! I'm still not doing it now 15 weeks later!

    El x
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    El - nope its not a competition but its hard isn't it when you hear other peoples lo's are doing something well. I felt like that when I heard about all the clever lo's rolling over and Cole hadn't. He's done it once now but hasn't repeated it..little bugger! lol! The 6 times in the night was after his injections so I don't mind that - he can't help it poor boy. I should be happy that he's sleeping ok and is just a bugger to settle in the evenings lately but I'm not! I wan't my evenings back too..I think it was around 11.30 when he finally went back to sleep last night after a wakeup and 6.45am he woke up so I'm gonna be like a zombie today- between being up late with Cole, the baby monitor making noises to wake me up and the cat waking me up .. its nearly as bad as when I was up every 90 mins when pregnant! lol!

    As for ironing... who does ironing? Not me! I very rarely iron..and I make sure to buy work clothes that don't need ironing. I'm just waiting for Cole to get bigger and my mother to start harping ona bout how his clothes should be ironed... she has long since given up going on at me to iron tshirts. i thinkshe has an ironing fetish...she even irons my dads boxers!
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    I'm with you on the ironing! I iron the odd bits for work but hubby does his shirts and if I pull Charlie's uniform out when the dryer stops, it's crease-free!
    My mate burnt herself about 18mth after having her lo, she was still numb - strange feeling!?
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    Im with you on the ironing front. Oh irons his own and i might iron jeans if really creased. I once worked with a girl who ironed knickers and boxers and said once id done it id always want to feel ironed knickers on my bum!!! Never tried it tho!!image
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    There are more interesting things to do in life than iron your knickers! lol! Hubbys work shirts are horrid (nice stripy hsbc red!) but at least they don't need ironing. I'll iron a top or trousers occasionally if going out and they are really wrinkled but thats it. One of Cole's tshirts is curling up at the bottom and I briefly thought about ironing it cause its annoying me but I folded it and put it at the bottom of the clean washing pile instead...that should sort it image
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    well done. hope sleep through lasts.
    well my lo is a bit behind in everything as at the moment he can't see and until i know whether it is temp or permanent it makes it hard for me to get my head around, it used to upset me hearing how excited all other mums were when baby was copying faces, smiling in mirror and at them etc but i'm over it and he's just a lovely little boy and his smiles were all the more special when they appeared about 3 weeks ago. he doesn't roll yet and hasn't gone throught the night, i tend to have to get up once unless i'm really unlucky and then it's about 3 times! ff last thing seems to make a difference though! but i love hearing how everyone's doing and although each baby is different i think it lets you get a rough idea of when things start to happen and it tends to be more accurate than these endless books we get!
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    Well done Bren - Was hoping Bryn would improve now hes taking a bottle but he was up twice last night and hes only ever managed 8 hours twice and that was from early in the eve so he was still up during the night/early hours.
    Bryn still hasn't rolled over - I know he will at some point but at the moment he is far happier sitting up in his chair or on my lap so I'm not going to push him.

    Waiting4baby - Sorry to hear that.... when will you know whether it is permanent or not?

    Em x
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    Well he didn't manage it last night so must have been a fluke! He wasn't so bad though as he went to bed at 8:30pm and woke at 1:40am had a bottle (although I tried to settle him without) and then he slept through until 7:30am! So I really can't complain.

    Waiting4baby - really hope it is just a temporary problem with your los sight. Have they given a reason as to why it has happened? xx
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    Waiting4baby - your lo's smile must've been heartwarming. I hope they can give you some answers soon about his sight, it must be frustrating to not know.
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    thank you all. it's just one of those wait and see games, they say his eyes should work they just appear to be slow and we just have to see if they are right, if he can't see by 9months i think it has to be something else but he'll be going for more tests before then to rule stuff out anyway! no, there doesn't seem to be a reason as it's nothing in our family history, but if it is just delayed that's apparently common in premature babies (but he's full term) don't get me wrong though i love him to pieces and he seems to be doing everything else a little monster should do image

    as for his smile yes i love it i have taken so many pictures, it's so nice to see the emotion now as in the beginning i used to say ' he doesn't smile but i know if he could right now, he would be!' if there was even a hint of enjoyment in his face whereas now, there's no question, he'll get away with everything with that smile me thinks, i'll have to control my meltdowns for when he tries to use them to his advantage later on in life heehee!

    still not sleeping through though tsk, he loves me rolling him over, just so long as i roll him back, tummy time is not on his wish list and sitting up seems to be his mission at the moment. :lol: hope all your los are doing well, anyone's laughing/giggling yet?
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    waiting4baby - hope your lo's eyesight improves soon. If its lazy eyes then I believe they can do an awful lot for that these days

    Cole laughs sometimes now.. its a really funny noise!!
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    Bryn is determined to sit up too... he giggles and laughs at Ophelia which she thinks is brill so she makes funny noises and faces to keep him amused - caught it on video last week and its lovely to watch. x
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