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Nosey people!!!

Aaarrrgh i thought i'd escaped the nosy people as no one seems to comment on me, I must look really unapproachable but apparently not!

I went on the bus today, sat by this old man who said best of luck etc....very nice! And when he got off this busybody woman started talking to me. At first it was the usual not long left etc, boy or girl....fair enough...but then she started giving me way too much info into her personal life, tellin me that she was on the pill and doubted she would get pregnant now and anyway she was on the pill and had come on this morning (!!!!). I was like yea well you are about 50 love! (Though I didn't say that, I smiled politely and said "Oh right" as you do.) And then she asked me if it was PLANNED! (Is it just me, or is that rude??) She asked me my age (19) and when I told her she said "Oh my friends daughter is 19 and got pregnant, she had a miscarriage recently, it was for the best really, a blessing in disguise".


I must have said "oh right" and "yeah" and smiled about 1000 times, I felt like a nodding dog but what else can u do?!


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    What an ignorant thing to say to you!?! When I made it known at work that I was pregnant someone who I don't really know very well sat next to me and started going on about her friend who had a baby at my age (36) and it had Down's Syndrome - then asked me if I was going to take the tests for it!! She went on to talk about the decision to keep the baby! The other lady sat with us went bright red and kept repeating how lovely it was for me to be pregnant and how exciting it is. Some people really haven't got a clue.

    Not long now Chick - how are you feeling?
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    oh my god thats terrible i find that older people on buses r always rude or give u far too much info!!!!
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    Sounds like a right busy body to me, is it any of her business how old u are or if the baby was planned? I hate people like that, they think coz ur pregnant that u need to no the ins and outs of their life and they shud no the ins and outs of yours. Smiling and nodding is usually the way out of it, short of saying "piss off lady, its none of ur business and i dnt wana no ur life story or opinions", lol. Kerry xxx

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    Sounds like a right busy body to me, is it any of her business how old u are or if the baby was planned? I hate people like that, they think coz ur pregnant that u need to no the ins and outs of their life and they shud no the ins and outs of yours. Smiling and nodding is usually the way out of it, short of saying "piss off lady, its none of ur business and i dnt wana no ur life story or opinions", lol. Kerry xxx

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    Sounds like a right busy body to me, is it any of her business how old u are or if the baby was planned? I hate people like that, they think coz ur pregnant that u need to no the ins and outs of their life and they shud no the ins and outs of yours. Smiling and nodding is usually the way out of it, short of saying "piss off lady, its none of ur business and i dnt wana no ur life story or opinions", lol. Kerry xxx

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    Lol!! Kerry I should have said that!

    Denise, that's awful - seems you can never be the "right age". Some people are really insensitive, its like they assume loads of bad stuff is going to happen. Whenever I saw a pregnant woman I just assumed she was happy and would never ask any questions apart from whens it due! xxx

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    Hi Tigerlily

    I think the woman was rude too - it's not what you need!

    Hope this makes you feel better and I don't express it wrongly, but I always thought you were much older than 19 - you always sound so experienced and confident on here - I'm 32 and a nervous wreck and don't have much of a clue about anything babywise :lol: I suppose what I'm trying to say is it doesn't matter how old you are as long as it's the right time for you (not some nosy old woman on the bus lol!). x x x
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    Lol, thanks for the compliment - I actually look a lot younger, people who meet me seem to think I'm 16!

    I know nothing about babies either, in fact I'm totally paranoid I'm going to do everything wrong! I think we are all the same! xxx

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    How very rude of them indeed!! Now there's now another reason I don't catch buses! the horrid nosey old people! x
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    aww im sure youl be great hun, i get asked alot if lo was planned too. he wasnt 'planned' but he was expected as me and oh wernt being erm 'too carefull' one eve, but after a mc last sept we both knew we wanted a baby so it was lovely news. i find it hard and sometimes feel as if i shouldent have to explain myself when put in this awkward position but as we all know some people feel they have the right to say whatever they like to you. i ALWAYS get "6 months? more like 6 weeks!" "aww its as if youve swallowd a grape" "are you sure hes in there?" ive had enough of it, its honestly got to me im scared hes not growing! im only a size 8 and have had awful sickness for 6 months and can still eating poor so how big do they expect me to bloody get!!
    shaz xxxxxxx
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    lol wow she sounds lovely! I got a similar lady at work today, she asked the usual how long etc and then old me she hated all children, especially babies and best of luck to me, I'd need it..Charming!
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    i always get was it an accident!!! or filthy looks cause i look about 12lol so i go thru the no they were all planned n im actually 25 n married. when really should b saying p*ss off n stop trying to wreck my good mood just cos u obviously have nothing better to do hmmmph
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    What a nosy old bag! And Denise, you must be a very polite person 'cos I think I would have thrown my drink in that bi*ches face! (then pleaded hormones!).

    some people just dont seem happy unless they are sticking their beaks in where they are not wanted. And they delight in making little comments designed to irritate/worry/annoy/upset others, then if you get angry and retaliate they are all ' oh no dear, thats not what I meant, you just took it wrong' etc etc!!! They are the type of people who would go and watch a public stoning, front row centre!

    Hope I can be as polite as you if and when my turn for the unwanted comments come! :x

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    Thanks for you comments Tiger Lily and powderpuff.

    With my last pregnancy I got really huge very quickly so whenever a nosey person asked when I was due I'd answer 'yesterday' then act like I was getting a labour pain - you should see the expression of panic on people's faces! It is so funny - go on try it! Especially if you are on the bus and you go over a bump in the road. Or am I just evil?

    Denise xx
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    I'm sure there are more mad people on this planet than sane one's!!!! I could never imagine talking to a complete stranger about anything like that lady!!!!

    Denise - ur def not evil....that is genius!!!

    Sarah xx
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    I think we should all stop being do nice to the ignorant gits who think they can pass comment on our lives!! We would be much happier if we just said what we were thinking!!
    And they would stop making comments to everyone when they realised noone was listening!!
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    I thought that only the pregnant woman was affected by baby brain but it seems to affect everyone in my vicinity.

    The most recent charming anecdote was from a work colleague who told me about (no word of a lie) her neighbours-friends-son (!!), whose wife and child had died during the labour. The weirdest thing was that I wasn't even having a conversation about babies with her - in fact I wasn't talking at all! She seemed to bustle into the office just full of excitement to tell me all about it.

    You can try to analyse it but some people are just odd!!!
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    People are so rude, I agree that asking if it was planned is bad mannered. I have an older daughter from a previous relationship (was only 16, am 28 now with house, hubby etc so sod everyone who belittled me at the time!!) but she has grown up with my husband since she was 3 and calls him dad etc. I cant even begin to say how many times people have asked if she is his once they know her age which really annoys me, I just say yes now. And then when we got pregnant work collegues kept asking if I was worried about him not treating her as well!! Its too much information for people who barely know you!!!!
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    Ridiculous isnt it!!

    And Sarah, I agree with that. Some people are just bloody cuckoo! How someone can discuss their menstrual cycle with a random woman on the bus is beyond me. But apparently they do. lol.

    I keep getting the 'ready to drop' comments too, but I think that's fair enough, as I am! xxx

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