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next labour what would you do different?



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    If i knew it was gonna be the same length as my first labour:

    I would have an epidural straight away! I didnt have the epidural cos of the pain but i was exhausted and knew i still had a long way to go. I was also told there was a chance i would need to go to theatre for forceps then possibly still need a section (imagine having both!!!) Managed to go to sleep once i had it and didnt feel any pain until i was being stitched up.

    I would also eat more during the early stage as i was so hungry when i was waiting. I wouldnt even bother with gas and air. I hated how out of control it made me feel. Oh and i would put the sound on the tv! Only worked out how to do it after about 6 hours lol. Probably take my DS and some magazines too.

    I dont know why there is such a stigma attached to having an epidural. We take pain relief for everything else. Someone even said to me - i cant believe you cheated and had an epidural. What a cheeky cow!
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    I think the only thing I would change is to not go 4 days overdue! Other than that I had a totally natural birth with my first, a short labour, and recovered well afterwards so I was very lucky - fingers crossed I am as lucky with this one! x
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    Hi ladies, baby number 2 is due in April and I would change

    1) OH to have the baby
    2) go into labour...go to sleep....wake up up to a lovely clean, baby.

    Huh...I wish

    No seroiusly I would advoid the epidural. Not because I felt a failer for having one but because I felt as if I lost control as my legs went very very numb, it slowed my labour down, I couldn't get comfortable and I gave birth in a position i didn't want to. Also the epi did naff all for the pain and the site gave be jip for months after.

    I would also stand up. I know every labour is different and this one may turn out to be more painful then the last but with Freya I was most comfortable stood up leaning over the table and that was the position I wanted to give birth in but due to the epi I couldn't.

    Kerry, Freya and Bumps
    X X X

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    EmmaLou, don't you think that saying women who give birth without pain relief are stupid is likely to upset some of us? I gave birth without pain relief because is suited me and I didn't feel I needed an epidural. I wouldn't dream of commenting on somebody choosing to have an epidural so please don't refer to me as stupid because I chose not to.
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    Apology accepted image I'll get down of my soapbox now! :lol::lol:
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    Can I put a perspective from someone who is 4 days late and still has all this to come? Its not a snob/superiority thing regarding epidurals for me, its fear.... I'm frightened of the needle being put in, I'm frightened I'll need interventions, I'm frightened the epidural won't take (as I've read many times on here) and that I'll have problems afterwards with the site, the spinal cord is a major part of your central nervous system it doesn't take a genius to think about what might happen if something went wrong.......

    The prospect is a very very scary one and if I can go without I will
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    Mrs T, I know exactly how you feel because that was my main reason for not wanting an epidural!! I came the the conclusion that pain, although not plesant, was unlikely to kill me and that I was scared of the possible complications of an epidural. First time round I did have diamorphine and I hated it, I was determined to manage without 2nd time and I did. I had a little bit of gas and air (but only for the 12 mins of my labour I was at the birth centre :lol: ) and although it hurt I found it a much more positive experience. The pain goes once they arrive but I found the diamorphine left me with very hazy memories of Millie's arrival which was a shame.

    EmmaLou, It's so hard sometimes to explain what you actually mean on here isn't it!! In the past I've often posted stuff and then thought 'bugger, that doesn't read right' and had to change it :lol:
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    Im a wuss and had a local aneasthestic before they put the epidural needle in! I was terrified of it hurting but i couldnt have gone another 7 hours with no rest. BTW i didnt even feel it go in.

    I dont think anyone on here has come across as superior for going without an epidural but i have had comments made to me about it from people in 'real life'. I just hate that those people assume i chose it cos i couldnt cope with the pain.
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    I've even heard a story (only the one but its enough) from a friend of a friend, who was left in one position and came home with a wacking great huge pressure sore because she hadn't been able to change her position and the mw's hadn't bothered.

    I'm not being a heroe and who knows I might even end up with one yet, but atm noooooooooo thanks :lol:
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    I was induced on Thursday at 8 pm and have rapid and fierce contractions from about 3am that morning.. Till I gave birth Finally on Sunday Night at 10pm.. I had EVERYTHING & would again if I needed it.. I do understand that our bodies are designed to give birth and i'm sure we are NEVER truely given a pain in a natrual sence that we can't handle but.. having said that my total labour time was 96 hours, I remember lying there thinking 'I am going to die, .. No.. I want too!' That's so awful to admit but I nearly did, & honestly could bare the pain anymore.. I was exsausted!
    I had the crash team in and was put in intencive care/high dependancy for a week..
    I feel really proud of myself for not giving up.. I remember having another though saying to myself 'come on you can do this' & I did.. now that's by no means a refection on how I feel about people who have to have C Sections because I would have begged for one at that stage if the thought had crossed my mind properly..

    What I feel my biggest mistake was being tooo quite and far to passive.. I didn't make a sound, & then heard the midwifes saying they would leave me longer and move a screamer to ensure they 'had a quite night'. I felt bullied by my midwife.. telling me to do what made it easier for her dispite it being more painful for me..

    Childbirth even tho painful is meant to be an amazing experiance after all!!

    I would no way hand over so much control to them EVER again!!!

    having said that.. with my next (if i'm lucky enough to get pregnant again) I would still like to try/ be given the chance to have them natrually again.. lol much to the fear of my OH..

    lol he is desprate for a dog but is put off 'encase they got pregnant and he HAD to be at there labour' :lol:

    Although my birth was very tramatic, I would do it all again in a heart beat to have my baby again..

    I think I know my labour was just going to be a hard one (lol nothing comes easy to me took two and a half years to get pregnant!!) so having that in my mind I feel sort of prepared and I didn't suffer emotionally from it..

    & I remember posting here feeling utterly tramatised honest to god thinking I would never get better EVER, and here I am almost brand new (lol well, with a mummy tummy and bigger droopier boobies!)

    I think i'd like to go to a diffrent hospital next time.. I think the attitude of the staff really impacted my experiance..

    If women were screaming there were told come on it's not that BAD pull your self together women have babies every day, and where I was so quite I was left for an inhumane length of time..

    lol but at least now I KNOW how to push!! xx
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    I would never go near an epidural ever again!! had one with my 1st and was horrid couldnt feel to push, had episiostimy, ventouse and then forceps, cos i didnt know to push i tore my cervix and nearly died lost loads of blood and was on intensive care for 5 days, didnt bond with jack either was hooked up to loads of tubes. With my second had just gas and air and yes it was painful but so much more better cos i was in control and same with my third. Knowing what to do is a better feeling than not having any control at all and having a labour that drags on and on and ends with complications. BUT everyone is different and i know ppl who had positive births with epi's
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