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FAO loulou1310

HI Loulou,
Just to let you know I'm thinking of you in the EPU today.
Hope it all goes well.


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    Hi Mrs DAO

    Have been to EPU this morning - been scanned and could see nothing, said my walls were very thin and should be thick, carried out a pregnancy test which came back negative and took bloods to ensure preg test was correct. Being told I have had a complete miscarriage.

    Seem to be dealing with it reasonably positively, have been into work this afternoon to tell them what is going on thinking next week is a new week and a new start. Unsure when to start trying again though, hmmm

    How are you?

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    Hi Loulou,
    I'm really sorry that you've lost your bean and that it's now official. It's a complete blow.
    However I am glad that you won't need any further treatment and that you can begin to work on your recovery. I think you're really brave going into work to tell them and I agree that the new week is going to be a good fresh start.
    It's funny how we can find stength in this crappy time!
    I've had a good day at work but been a bit wobbly this afternoon. I think I'm really tired. I am doing a part time masters and have to go to uni tomorrow for the day. I got really panicky about it this afternoon as I have lots of homework that I simply have not done over the last 3 weeks and am totally unprepared. I phoned my tutor (really embarrassing) and she told me not to worry and to come anyway but I am dreading it. I just feel like going to bed and waking up on Monday! I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.
    As far as ttc again goes, I feel the same way. Unsure. Having had a complete mc like you, the midwife yesterday told us to go for it if we feel ready but I'm pretty nervy about ttc too soon in case I do get pg (so unlikely I know) and my body isn't strong enough to hold another little bean!!! I have been looking on the internet about this and there are so many conflicting opinions that I don't know what to do.
    To be pro-active I bought pro-natal vitamins yesterday and am starting to take them. I just took folic acid last time and am trying to ensure that everything I can possibly do is done to prevent another mc.
    I would love to be pg again - what about you?? What did they say about ttc at the epu?
    It seems mad thinking about ttc when it's only been a few days since it all happened!
    Hope you're ok,
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    Hey ladies. I just wanted to send you both my love and best wishes at this crappy time. I found that I was quite positive afterwards and just wanted to get back to normality. I felt awful about wanting to forget everything but it was how I felt.

    My dr also said that we were free to try whenever we wanted. I didnt want to go back on the pill as I knew it would mess up my body that I had spent ages getting it back to normal. We dont use condoms so we just went back to normal. I thought it was unlikely to happen but hey, im now pg, 5 weeks tomorrow counting from my mc bleed.

    I felt crap at first and am absolutely petrified, analysing every twinge and pain but I think I would be like that anyway, whenever it happens.

    I hope you ladies find the strength to get through this and am sending you best wishes.

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    Thanks Gemma,
    I've been thinking about you and hoping that you're not too worried this time around! I think you're right - it doesn't matter when, we'll all definitely worry next time!!
    I feel very positive about giving it another go and the idea of using condoms does NOT appeal. It feels wrong when you want a baby and they're rubbish anyway! I've been avoiding full on bd because the idea of using the condoms is putting me off!! And DH too.
    But I'm just not sure if we are ready to go for it yet.
    I suspect we will just naturally fall back into our old habits and we'll leave it up to Mother Nature.
    Are you feeling well Gemma?
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    Im feeling ok. Have similar symptoms to last time - sore boobs (although much sorer that last time!), and lots of pains in my tummy. Im 4 + 6 today but taking it one week at a time. Each Saturday I think im going to 'toast' myself for getting through another week. Ive got a really busy week with parents evening etc next week so hoping it will go quickly. Lost last bean at 5 + 5 so want to get past this point and then I might relax a little more! (although I doubt it!) Drs have been lovely and have mw app earlier than they normally would at 8 + 3. Really hope I get this far!

    On a positive point, lots of people ive spoken too only had one mc and then healthy pg so it can happen.

    We didnt really think about getting pg again. Just bd'd like normal. I didnt expect it to happen so quickly but I am coming round to the idea.

    How are you feeling? I hope things are calming down and life is representing something like normal again. I know this takes a while. Don't rush yourself.

    Gemma xxx
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    Thanks hon,
    I'm doing well. Had a good week and got the all clear so feel like that was a massive hurdle. Once uni tomorrow is over i am going to try and enjoy the weekend and have some wine and fun.
    I feel so lucky with my DH - he is just brilliant and has really helped me get through all the little milestones.
    More than anything he has let me go on and on and on about every detail! Poor lad.
    So I am feeling very positive and excited about feeling better again. And ttc again! And all of the exciting things that lie ahead.

    I am crossing every finger and toe that all goes well for you. I have a good feeling about it!
    We all deserve a break and I look forward to following your progress on here! Roll on the Saturday toast!!
    D xxx
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    Hi MrsDAO and Gemmiebaby

    I still seem to be sleeping way over what I normally do but is this a coping mechanism?!

    I was taking tommys multi vitamins through my pregnancy and can say all they seemed to do was give me nothing but the runs! sorry if TMI!

    DH is being great, i seem to be coping ok at the mo, it comes but my back and its incontrollable at times but mostly I'm ok. Suppose I'm bracing myself as DH's parents are on holiday at the mo and dont know whats happened so will be very fresh and raw for them when they come home - not nice news unfortunately.

    We dont like condoms either so unsure what to do, epu said they recommend waiting 2 cycles but im highly impatient!!!!!

    Do you know what you are planning on doing mrsdao?

    Congrats on your pregnancy gemmiebaby, I can safely say that you give us all hope.

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