Forum home Archived Birth Clubs Due in January 2018
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Due in January 2018



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    helsbels1580 a huge good luck hun .😁 Me and my husband are boring only call baby "bump " lol xx 🤣

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    Hi I'm 6th of jan and 💛

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    What does 💛 ladies ? Xx

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    Sorry missed out *mean pls *

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    Good luck to the two of you having your scans tomorrow! :) 

    Mich is means the person doesn't know yet whether it's a girl or a boy :) 

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    Oh i see doh thank you xx

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    I spoke to my Mum about pram shopping. She said I needed to go to a load of shops and push the prams around, take it apart and put the other parts back on, fold it down re-open it, Basically play with it as much as possible to get a feel for it. Lift it up to see how heavy it is without baby and pop your handbag in as a bit of extra weight to see how you manage. Move it round the shop not just up and down one aisle so you can see what its like with corners. 

    I tried it with a few in mothercare and found there was only one that I actually liked. I was then told I need to find another few I like and research online. Find out what other Mums hated about it to see if that is a deal breaker for me or not.

    Hope this helps a little, and I am sure the other mums might have some more hints/tips for you.

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    Hello everyone! Sorry I've not messaged in a while, we moved house last Friday so it's been manic! Also we had a bit of bad news about my sister's pregnancy as they dont know if its a molar pregnancy so that's hard at the moment :(  Has anyone known anyone go through this? I just want to support her but not sure if anyone had any advice 💚 

    I'm off for my 20 week scan today we're not finding out though, although it will be so hard knowing that the sonographer knows and we don't! 

    We bought our pram about a month ago as the place we got it from will keep it until we want it :) we found that going to different places and feeling and trying them was the best way, we've got such a lightweight one (because I can hardly lift at best of times lol) and it compacts small too to fit in different boots :) 

    hope you're all well and congratulations to all the  new members 💚 

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    Hello all, 

    All was was well with our 20 week scan. 

    We are having a little sister for Matilda, so double trouble! 👭😁😍💕

    Here's the picture


    Hope everyone else's scans went well 


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    Congratulations helsbels ☺️💗 what lovely news! 

    We had our 20 week scan today, such a little wriggler! We didn't find out the sex but we have a healthy little baby 💚 Here they are sucking their thumb 😍


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    HI all was due my 20 week scan today but have had to change it to weds. Had a surprise with my first and plan on having another surprise as it was an amazing feeling before.

    i recomend really looking into prams. I didn't and went on design. The pram bit was good but I struggled to get it in my boot. I also found the pushchair bit on it was too big after my daughter outgrew her pram section. Deffo really think about it. I also found my Moses basket a waste of money and my baby girl preferred her sleepyhead. 

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    I think, with regards to prams, it's important that you look at where you live, what kind of ground you are likely to be pushing it on, the size of your car, things like whether you want it to be both rear and forward facing, how easy it is to put up and down and swap parts over, its weight, how low down the hood comes (my first was great as it came really low and could really shield him from the sun), how easy it is to push, whether or not you'll need all attachments and things like whether the wheels can be removed easily. 

    My second pram was lovely.  We totally fell in love with it and put the deposit down at 15 weeks for it! Where I live is quite rural and we have lots of bumpy country lanes to walk down. So it was important that we took the suspension on it etc into consideraction. We wanted large pneumatic tyres so that it would be a more comfortable ride for the baby. However, we didn't take into consideration the amount of hawthorn bushes around where we live and so when the farmers prune them we ended up having to make constant repairs. It was £95 in tyre liners in one month! And we had to pay it as I had to walk my eldest to school. In the end someone suggested going to a bike shop and having some protective liners put in them which cost £60 but actually worked a treat! Think we will end up using the pram again as we do love it but it made me think about the silly things you'd never even consider when buying a pram! 

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    Thanks for the pram advice. I'm looking forward to trying them all out. Would you recommend buying a stand alone one or a travel system?

    lovely 20 week scans ladies and really pleased all is well. 

    We had a gender scan yesterday and baby is the opposite gender to what we thought he / she was! (We're keeping gender a secret). It was a big shock for us as we were convinced and we're told at 13 weeks it was 99% the other one! So baby is being cheeky already 😜

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    Nobodyputsbabyinthecorner who told you the sex at 13 weeks? Or did you do the nub theory? It may change again at 20 weeks! Xx

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    Awww I love seeing what everyone else will be having. I am still majorly undecided whether to have a surprise or find out! I think it's a boy based on the nub theory. And this pregnancy is polar opposite to my last with my daughter. But I need to figure out if I want to find out or not xx

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    Sorry I've been a bit quiet as well lately! Welcome to everyone new 😃 So exciting! Love hearing all about your 20 week scans I've got mine on Wednesday but I'll be 21 weeks by then, we've decided not to find out the sex as we found out first time around and don't plan on having anymore so want a last wee surprise 😃 I have a feeling it's another boy though! 

    ive been spending a lot of time looking at prams but not sure whether to buy one new or second hand, I bought second hand first time round and hated it it wasn't what I wanted so will probably end up with a new one just grudge paying the money lol! Xx

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    It was the nub theory Cberg, but we didn't know what that was at the time! it was the sonographer at the hospital who predicted it based on the theory and she said she'd put money on it. It was wrong of her really. Luckily we couldn't care less which gender the baby is but I guess some people might. 

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    I keep dreaming that I'm having a girl! Now I don't know whether it's because I am having a girl or not, but it's making me doubt my original feelings that it's another boy! I seem to be carrying just like I did with the boys but it's been a very different pregnancy so far. 12 days until we find out! 

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    Aww that's ok then nobodyputsbabyinthecorner Interesting about the nub theory as lots of people say that's right so good job you double checked x

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    Hello Ladies, 

    How is everyone getting on? I still havent felt any movements but I read a story to sprogladite over the weekend. We have been busy stripping the box room to make it a library for me, then we can get started on the nursery. 

    Nursery is going to be white with a yellow border and I am going to pick up some Winnie the Pooh wall stickers just because I love Winnie the Pooh :-)

    Lauralouke how is your sister getting on? hope everything is ok.

    cBerg, never heard of a sleepyhead so had a quick search, is it just a pillow? where do you put it if not in the moses basket? Any hints on things that are a want rather than a need would be fab.

    nobodyputsbabyinthecorner, this is our first but we are going for a travel system as it seems the slightly cheaper option when buying new.

    Hope everyone is doing well.  

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