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Bloody mother in law. Warning major rant!!!!!!!!

My bloody mother in law has done it again, on every family occasion, every birthday naming day and christmas she does something to spoil our day. Well today is my gorgeous boys 2nd birthday, we had a fab day planned, we went to a huge park this morning stayed for lunch and had a picnic, then we were coming home in the afternoon so grandparents could come over, we told them after 2pm , so his mother and perfect bloody sister turn up at 1.30 just as we get home and his mother doesnt even get out of the car, his sister got out spent 2 seconds dropping the present off and saying how his mum had hurt her ankle and couldnt come in. Now I could see that point if it was something contagious or something that made her feel really ill but fook me, would it have made such a difference if she had got out the car and sat on the sofa for an hour or so to see him. She never bothers with my children at all, but his sisters baby is round there everyday (because his sister cant cope with being a parent so gets mummy to do it all for her), I bet her ankle is well enough for her to have his sisters baby on Monday.

I cant believe I am letting it get to me, I knew she would do something, she always does and I swore blind that I would not let it upset me this year. The thing that pisses me off even more is that she will go round moaning to everyone that I never let her see the grandchildren and she misses them terribly. Bloody old hag!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Rant over.


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    Stuff her, its her who will miss out in the end. In future just let her fit in around your plans and don't make any effort for her. My dad's mum used to be exactly the same with us when we kids all for our cousins but never anytime for us. We didn't give a shit cos my other nana was fab, She's got her just desserts in the end though , my grandad died 10years ago (he was horrid too) and all of a sudden she feels lonely and wants us to visit . Well neither me or my brother and sister feel any desire or sense of duty to bother with her as she couldn't be arsed with us when we were little, and my cousins who were so brill back then in her eyes have all grown up to be selfish scrubbers and don't bother with her.
    What goes around comes around and when your kids cry cos they don't want to go to their grandma's and don't bother with her when they're older she'll regret her actions xxxx
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    She is such a sneaky cow, everyon who knows her (but not as well as me) feels so sorry for her and tell her that I am unfair to her, if they had to put up with the amount of crap that I do from her they would soon change their opinions, even hubby is annoyed with her today and has said stuff her, she will be the one who misses out, he even said that he is fed up of us making all the effort and all she does is put us down, so if she wants to see the children then she can come round here coz hes not going up their.

    Feel slightly better after the rand as I programmed her number into my new home phone which hass caller id so when she rings the phone will flash up with "old trout" no mistaking whos calling then :lol:
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    lol dont make me laugh it hurts my throat!! (the old trout part) !!! I did respond to this post in large families as well.
    Have a good night....and think back to all that hard work 2 years ago when you had your darling baby boy....(they will always be our baby boys even when they are all grown up, wont they?!!!)
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    u changed the piccie again!!! still a little cutie....oh had a thought what if the kids answer the phone and say 'mum its the old trout' lol !!!!!!
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    :lol: I loke that Iidea, might get the kids to do that. Changed a piccie to one taken yesterday as all the others I had were a few months old
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    What sort of point is she trying to make?!
    If she got in the car in the first place she could of got out. Silly cow (sorry).
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    Have no idea what point she is trying to make. I think she is senile, either that or she has munchaussenssyndrome, she always has to be the centre of attention, and if she isnt then she makes sure she does something tomake herself. bloody old hag!
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    Oh silly old bint! Some people are just plain selfish.
    Don't let it get to you, she's clearly not worth it.
    Hope Isaac had a happy day tho and belated birthday wishes x
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    Oh its not getting to me any more. I have done Isaacs thankyou cards today and her one is simple. Dear Nanny and Grandad, thank you for the money. From Isaac.

    Short and to the point, no emotion just like she shows us. Oh I am such a bad person but I love it.
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