Forum home Due in July 2016
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The Due in July 2016 Big Birth Announcement Thread!

Hello everyone!

Well it's very nearly July and we know those babies are on their way, so here is a special thread for your birth announcements. 

Please use it to tell us all about your labour and birth, and your first moments with your newborn, and we'll come and shower you with congratulations – and, courtesy of the folks at Babyboo* we've got a lovely BabyBoo Bandana Bib (see pic) to send to everyone who posts their story. (Go on, show us a pic too!)


Note: This thread is not meant as a replacement thread for the wonderful, long-running Due in July 2016 thread. We just thought it would be nice to have an extra thread running alongside, with all the birth news on it – and to have all the birth announcements all in one place to look back on in June and beyond.

*BabyBoo is an Irish website, run by 2 mums, selling bibs, hats and other baby products. These bandana bibs are fleece-lined, suitable for children with sensitive skin or eczema, and come in newborn size and 2 bigger sizes.



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    Hey ladies and a big congrats to those posting as u will have your bundles of joys! My Nellie was born at 2.56pm by csection. Wasn't the best to get prepped for but the actual procedure was brill and the staff were superb and looking after me well! She weighs 8lb 2 and is perfect to me. My oh and son are very proud and happy. Can't wait to start my new family at home x


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    Thanks so much for kicking the July Big Birth thread off K85m, and with such a gorgeous baby girl too! How are you feeling post c-section? Do you know how long you'll be in hospital for? We can't stop looking at Nellie - she is just so gorgeous! 

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    K85m she is absolutely gorgous!!😍 Congratulations, hope your okay and glad they are looking after you and Nellie. 😘

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    Congrats again! :D

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    we both good yeah thank u for the lovely comments! So far so good post section had couple of sicky wobbles but passed that now. I feel loads better than though wud feel only had paracetamol so far, I'll need summet stronger at some point I'm sure. Just hard keep having to ask midwives to get me a bottle or lift her out for me and put her bk but they have said its what they here for etc so they golden. My oh is absolutely smitten it's so sweet. He text me on his way home thanking me for giving him a perfect daughter x

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    Oh day wise should be out by Thursday depending how quick I get up and walking about x

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    Hope you had a good first night k85m. I'm sure it's been tiring though so makes sure u get some sleep when ur partners with u today x

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    So, contractions started around 10.39, really painful but going over half an hour between contractons, they  started getting closer together but were still 10 or 12 minutes apart at 3pm

    At about quarter past three I think, I phoned to cancel my midwife appointment. about 20 mins later she phoned me I was just about to run a bath to help with the contractions.
    After I got off the phone I ran a bath and climbed in, was only in about 10 or 15 minutes and got pressure in my bum lol. I yelled for Katy to get my towel, got out & had a contraction, then quickly sorted the bed out moving the duvet & putting the waterproof  sheet over, towels and disposable mats.
    Had 3 contractions on my bed & felt like I needed to push, I was going 'Oh god oh god oh god' haha. I could feel her head but it felt soft and squishy and i shouted for katy and told her to look between my legs  and tell me  if it was dark, when she said it was I was happy it was head and not placenta or something lol.
    OMG it hurt like hell delivering her head but it didn't take long. Head was out at 4.32 and then she came out a minute later :)
    Placenta came away almost immediately and the cord was really short, Think I delivered the placenta about 10 mins later..  Rang the labour ward around half an hour later and she turned up around half 5 and we tied the cord with a cord tie & the midwife cut i. Would have liked to lotus birth but her cord was too short and was tugging on her so decided to cut it.

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    Born at 4.33pm on her due date weighing 6lb 4oz image

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    Such an incredible story!!! And well done to Katy for being so grown up and looking and helping her mum out!!!!

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    Wow! Your daughter is brave and very good! You must be very proud and was a good job she was there! It's a wonderful birth story! I'm so pleased for you and she was bang on time! Do you have a name? X

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    What an amazing birth Phoenix - your daughter Katy is incredible - maybe a future career in midwifery? How are you feeling today? And how is your beautiful little girl, baby Phoenix doing? Katy is going to have one hell of a story for show and tell at school this week, that's for sure. 

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    Hey all as mentioned my little one was born on the 1st of July .... After my water broke and suffering for 24 hours we had to do an emergency c section and well his finally here . Hubby and my 8 year old are so over ecstatic ... I'm still recovering from the c section . Not sure what's the quickest way to heal but if anyone has tips please send through ... image  and congratulations to the rest of u ladies amazing stories ... 

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    Congratulations FaithTTC - you might have to change your member now! What's your gorgeous little boy called? 

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    Congratulations Phoenix and Failth. Your babies are gorgous. Hope you both are well

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    Well went in on Thursday for a pessary to dilate my cervix so I could be induced within 5-10 minutes I was having contractions and admitted to maternity. After 20 hours I was at 2cm but moving along quickly so got taken down to labour and delivery early Friday morning and 4.5 hours later my wee man was born. Malachi J weighing 6lbs 4 at 37 weeks 5 days at 50cm long . Friday the 8th July xximage

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    Huge congratulations Toobeautiful on your beautiful perfect baby boy. So glad to read on the other thread your breastfeeding is going well! 

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    Congratulations toobeautiful!

    Sorry I have been so long in posting my story on here, it's been quite a week!

    So I went in for a planned c section on July 6th due to baby being breech.  All went smoothly in theatre and Oliver Barry Churchill was born at 12.15pm weighing 6lbs 14oz.

    Afterwards I was suffering with dizzy and sickness spells and my already high blood pressure didn't settle as quick as hoped.  Also due to my blood pressure medication I had been on since 35 weeks meant Oliver couldn't regulate his blood sugars and due to him also having a bad (75%) tongue tie he was finding feeding a problem.  The following 3 days in hospital are a blur of feeding and testing cycles until finally he passed the required levels on Saturday and we transferred to a local birthing centre for another night where they tried to support with re-establishing breast feeding (we had move to cup feeding formula to stabilise his blood sugars).  They were brilliant and we came home on Sunday but then went back to the unit last night where brave Oliver had his tongue tie cut.  After that he is happily taking to the breast but my milk levels are not enough so still mostly formula but at least he is getting some from me.  And after all that he has only lost 2oz at his weigh in so is doing great!

    Here are some pictures ...



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    Right so here is my birth story I'll try and do it now between some major cluster feeding!!

    So after declining a membrane sweep at 3 days overdue in the hope that nature would take its course I awoke Monday to the disappointment that I was officially a week late and there was no sign of labour. The plan for that day was to have the first sweep at home so I got up and in the shower. Whilst in the shower I noticed that i had an odd sensation In my ?cervix, difficult to describe it and coz it was mild I can't say I really acknowledge it then. However when I was drtng myself I noticed I felt moist and as I patted myself dry I noticed very light pinky staining discharge. As the morning went on I continued to be aware at times of this odd sensation. 

    Mid morning I rang community midwife and was told that no one could come to do my sweep so if I couldnt arrange a clinic appointment i would have to wait until next day. i did manage to get appointment and at 1:15 I headed to see midwife. By this point tthe sensation in cervix had got more noticeable and when I mention it to the midwife she encouraged me to postpone sweep for 24 hrs to see if labour would start on its own.

    At about 3:30 I became aware that every now and then I was having very mild short lasting tightenings. At 5:30 these had remained unchanged so I decided to have a bath as if they were nothing they'd prob stop. By 5:50 my husband was having kittens as he was paranoid that he didn't want to be delivering baby and wanted midwife here nice and early as we were having out fourth baby hut first home birth. So at 6 I got out of bath and rang midwife, tightenings were now a little stronger but remained a good 3-4 mins apart and only lasted 30 seconds so explaind to midwife that it was more coz of my husband I was ringing than feeling i need her to come ASAP. She explained she was stuck in traffic so would be a little while but she land a second midwife would make their wait to me as a precaution coz it was my fourth baby. At about 6:45 I began to fre very uncomfortable and the. Panic started to set in as it seemed to have gone from a niggling tightening to feeling pressure in my bottom that felt like if I relaxed into contraction my bowel would fall out!! Lol

    7:30 both midwives arrived And l was struggling. having not required any analgesia on my last I felt frightened that there was some reason why I wasn't coping and as everything seemed to be happening so fast I couldn't calm myself. I was examined and told I was 6cm and set about using entonox. at 8 I had an almighty contraction and couldn't fight the pressure feeling and set about pushing, my waters went and at this time and at 8:17 my 8lb 10oz son was born. Placenta followed 3 mins later.

    what followed was the most incredible and special evening with my children which confirmed that I made the right decision to have a homeBirth. However due to the speed at which everything happened the birth itself probably feels like my most traumatic even though on paper it probably looks like the easier with a duration time estimated at 2hrs 47mins overall.

    here is my little man, he's an absolute joy that feeds like a dream despite a nasty tongue tie 


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    Libragril2015, that is a fantastic birth story, and you make it sound so easy - we're sure it wasn't, but you sounded so calm and relaxed! Now we swear your son is smiling in the second to last photo - he looks so lovely and peaceful! Do you have a name yet? And will you have his tongue tie snipped? 

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