Forum home Archived Birth Clubs Due in January 2018
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Due in January 2018



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    Lilibet try not to worry about not feeling movement yet. Mine have only just started but everyone works at different rates and every pregnancy is different. I'm sure it will come soon for you X 

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    I started feeling our girl inside at around 15/16weeks- just flutters. My husband, best friend and beauty therapist have all felt her from 20weeks, she moves a lot when I lay down and am quite relaxed. She's much stronger now and can feel her roll or push up. 

    I too have figured out her routine now, first thing, after lunch, late afternoon and evening from around 8/9pm for hour then at 10/11again for a hour. 

    It's been nice to capture some videos already of her moving my belly. 

    Every scan apart from our 12 week she's been a real fidget and very active, so maybe explains why Ive felt her so much. 

    my diet has gone awful from 19 weeks- carbs and sweet stuff, hate dinner time unless it's toast or cereal or nandos wrap 🙈 And big mac's - crazy I didn't eat McDonald's for 2years and got pregnant and that has become my guilty pleasure. I would prefer to have my chicken salad craving back. 🐷

    Anyone had any cravings or changing cravings? 

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    I don't think I've had a specific craving this time, more lots of things I really want that moment but this seems to change daily. I have had a lot of ginger beer...the non-alcoholic kind! I seem to have wanted more carbs but then at the beginning carbs stopped me from feeling sick so I think it stems from there. I've eaten a fair amount of cheese too, but I love cheese and I think I've just seen it as an excuse to indulge! 

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    Lilxamz- I hear ya! I'm 20+1 and haven't felt anything other than a couple of weird pulsing feelings, but I think they are way to strong to be the's more like I feel my heartbeat in my stomach! I have no reason to believe anything is wrong, but I just want to feel something to confirm it! It's weird because as much as the early symptoms can suck, at least they tell you something is going on. Since I've entered the second trimester everything has been easy breezy and if it weren't for the bump, I would forget I was pregnant! 

    And no specific cravings for me yet either, although I will see something flash across the screen, or someone will mention something and I will want it immediately, haha. But that seems more mental than physical. Trying to stay healthy and get what I need (I'm a vegetarian who will occasionally eat fish) while indulging pretty often as well :) 

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    CurlyE09 I am the same! No particular cravings but if i see someone eating something or an advert for something I want it now. I have found my diet has gone to pot since I fell pregnant. I needed a lot of carbs to begin with to help with the morning sickness and to give me some energy but now I feel I am just being lazy and eating what I want to. 

    I have put on 7kg in 21 weeks! I am not going to panic and start eating nothing as I know thats not good. I just find it crazy how quickly all the work in the gym can disappear. I have got a session with a personal trainer this week to help me get back to the gym as I havent been going due to fear I might do more damage than good. He is qualified in antenatal care as well so I know I will be getting the right sort of exercises. I a hoping this will help me find it easier to keep going once sprogladite is here :-)

    Has anyone got their MatB1 yet? I am picking mine up tonight and then I have to have a meeting with HR to go through the maternity leave and all that jazz. I am thinking of starting my Mat leave on 1st Jan as I am not due until 18th and December is a really quiet month for me at work so I can just relax and take it slowly (hopefully). When are you thinking of taking yours?

    Hope everyone is well x

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    Hi everyone, we've just noticed this thread has gone over the 1k posts mark which is great, but it's getting a bit hard to load on some devices and tricky to keep up with, so we've kicked you off a new continuation thread. 


    Please do click on the new thread and hit the green follow button so you don't miss out on any new posts. 

    We'll lock this thread in a day or two so we don't have two chats going on at once, and everyone will get a chance to see this post.  

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    Hi everyone, we're locking this thread now - see you over the new thread!


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    Has anybody had a bit of mucus plug come out when they wipe? ( sorry for the gross question)

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