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He wants nothing to do with me

So this is an extreme for me. I am at a loss as to what to do and unfortunately can not afford counseling and don't have people to talk to. 

I am pregnant  with my 2nd child. I also have a step son who I love dearly. I have been with my boyfriend for a little over 2 years. This is the 2nd time we have been together. He screwed around on me  before and we split up (yes I know I am stupid for getting back with him). 

To say we are struggling is an understatement. I am 23 weeks now and he wants NOTHING to do with me. I finally sat down and had a serious "what is going on talk" and he told me he isn't attracted to me anymore. He said he has no desire to be with me. I am freaking heartbroken.He believes it is all fine and that we should just not deal with it. He doesn't touch me. I honestly feel disgusting. He never sets his phone down. He gets off work sits and plays games on his phone until 2 in the morning and then gets up and goes to work. I have tried talking to him and understanding, but I feel jaded and hurt. Our relationship was falling apart already and now I am just defeated. 

I cant imagine forcing through my life with someone I have no connection to, but I also do not want to lose his son.

We have talked, tried to work things out and I can tell that both of us our just riding it out. I dont know what to do anymore. Should I just wait till the baby comes and hope something changes or just cut my losses and start rebuilding my life?


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    I know it’s easy for me to say but honestly girl if he’s making you feel so bad about yourself then you need to go. You deserve so much better and I think you’d be a lot happier without him eventually. Of course it’ll take time and you have your baby to think of but there’s someone out there who will treat you like a queen. Don’t settle for anything less. Good luck x
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    This is an old post, but I still want to give you hugs and some words. If you can tackle problems like what happened, you can get along with him, but if not, you'd better give yourself a chance. A chance to better life and better man.
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    I know this is an old post but I’m curious about how things have worked out for you and your kids? I’m a single mom of 3. Sometimes it has its difficulties but I’m really happy about being a single mom! I think it’s better than a bad relationship! So how are you doing now?
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    Hi, I am sorry you are going through this. Counseling is a great idea that helps you both to have a look as your issues at different angles, althout you mentioned you cannot afford, infortunately. However, you can see it as the investment. Playing games might also be some kind of addiction, and stopping it immedialely is almost impossible. You both might also need help there. From what I have read, there are online apps such as iyoni app or love more that help couples improve communication and deepen intimacy as a couple. Almost every app has a Freemium now so you do not need to invest any money. Hope this helps. x
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    He's an awful man! I suppose you should rebuild your life without him with your baby! 
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