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Tell Winalot all the things people don’t tell you about owning a puppy: £200 Amazon voucher prize



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    No one tells you how they will be in the garden for an hour then come in and promptly pee in front of you like they are giving you a gift! How they will whine when you want to sleep, eat and go to the toilet. How they will eat your slippers despite the fact that you have bought 101 toys! How they will fuss about their food for days because you made the mistake of giving them that piece of ham/ chicken. How when they go for their last pee at night they have to sniff every single blade of grass in the garden then still want out at 3am. But most of all no-one tells you how much your heart will love this little bundle of fur. How much unconditional love this beautiful little fur ball will give you and how much you will look forward to seeing them everytime you walk through the door. Stormi 🐾❤️
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    No one prepared me for how quickly they grow & how emotional it makes you!

    Saying no sleeping in the bed and it all goes out the window and now your head gets sat on 🤣

    How mischievous they can be and how funny their personalities are!

    Not able to go to the toilet in peace 🙄🤣
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    The white hair that is left in clumps all round the house which involves daily hoovering; the drool left all over the floors - never used a steam cleaner so much; the anguish when they have an accident which involves major surgery - it breaks your heart because they are your children. Attatched is a photo of our Labrador Louis who although now only has 3 legs, hops around everywhere and is a lovable rogue!
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    Just how much you will fall in love and heartache that can bring later on! Also choose your breed carefully! Arguably some of the cutest looking pups can grow into the biggest most demanding dogs! My Huskies are true testament to that!
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    we have a 3 year old borzoi and our 12 yr old whippet recently died. we are getting a new puppy next week and all i can remember from when our borzoi was young is that she chewed EVERYTHING!!! no one tells you that they can find anything anywhere especially if they arent supposed to find it and that the first few nights are sooo hard but totally worth it 
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    Puppies look adorable

    1/ They will leave their meals and eat poop, cat poop , bird poop , their own poop YUCK

    2/ They Will roll in anything that smells disgusting.

    3/ They will fart , not caring if there are visitors. 

    4/ They will lick their nether region with gusto! 

    5/ Oh and you worry, if they are happy, if they are healthy, if you are feeding them the right food.

    6/ On the plus sides, they love you unconditionally, no matter what mood your in, what you look like, they make you laugh , give you a reason to get up in the morning, they watch you continuously, always there for you. They wind their way in to your heart, you might say never again after the devastating loss of your fur baby, I have that many paw prints stamped on my heart , but their is always room for one more. 

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    You will ask yourself, multiple times, what have I done??? But it passes, and it will all be worth it in the end!!

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    Its the love of a Pup when you get him home, it just hits you, so unexpected. I love how easy with patience he is to train to be a well mannered member of the family. (easier than the kids) The bit that's the toughest is the barking through the night, (separation anxiety) You think you won't survive another day after week 4 of broken sleep and your ears bleeding with the puppy bark all night. Worrying what the neighbours are thinking and expecting environmental health to knock the door 😕 The good things he does in the daylight hours at least makes up for those eyes on my knees. Here is hoping I can crack the little nut sometime soon 😊🤞
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    1.  The wee EVERYWHERE when they get excited! But do grow out of it (obviously). 
    2.  They bite and nip everything, including you. 
    3.  They don't know what bedtime or night is - 24 hour care! 

    The above being said, once your let them into your life - you can't let them go.  
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    The expense!! The training pads. Vet bills etc. But it's all worth it 
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    The first 3 months are so hard when your puppy comes to live with you. It literally is like having a baby came to stay. The main thing is to persevere, teach your puppy a trick every week and do behavioural training too. Encourage as many friends as possible to come around in the early days to get the puppy used to human contact. Get a puppy trainer around as soon as it has had all its jabs as that will help too. 
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    There is no right or wrong way to do it!
    - Always make sure they have fresh clean drinking water
    - Plenty of puppy pads & dont clean it away after one use (it helps them to do it in the right place again)
    - An old unwashed item of clothing left with them helps them with seperation anxiety
    - Have eyes in the back of your head, they are into everything and anything!
    - Plenty of tlc as they have been taken away from their mother to live with a human stranger!
    - Make sure kids etc don’t over feed with treats
    - Pet insurance is a good idea
    - research the breed (its suprising how much you learn about each breed)
    - Lastly enjoy every minute of them, to them you are their world ❤️
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    SLEEP! Apparently it is something that non puppy owners do. Can't remember the last time I had more than 4 hours in a block.
    Dog hair in, on and around everything no matter how much you hoover.
    The ability of a pup to waste hours by doing one of *those* faces so you can't leave them.
    Being the cause and solution of so much heartbreak that you vow never to do again, but then find life isn't complete without another one...
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    That it's just like having a needy baby/toddler.

    That they're very loving

    He's becoming my daughters best friend

    That it's cheering me up when I need it having had a close bereavement this year.

    Here's Yoshi... 
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    for the first few months they take up all of your time!!! 
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    I have a 12 year old dog Ozzie and an 11 year old bitch Molly. We recently found out that Ozzie has testicular cancer and I don't know how long he has left but I have 3 boys and they have had a very tough couple of years. 
    We all  had a hugh discussion about the impact a puppy would have on us all especially Ozzie. But I wanted to get a puppy to distract ourselves from the inevitable. And to lift our spirits as we have all hit rock bottom.
    Getting Denis is the best decision we have made for some time. The 11 year old bitch Molly has taken her time to get to now him but is now playing really nicely with him. Ozzie has gone about his usual routine but also has taken to him.
    Obviously I've had dogs so knew what to expect. But remebering back to when we first got Ozzie I didn't realise how the puppies teeth fall out like our baby teeth do and was totally panicked by this happening until I googled it!
    You just have to remind yourself to persevere with training and really to enjoy them at this stage as they don't remain small for long.
    Absolutely love dogs.
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    1) Some get bored super easy, they need many toys to keep them entertained but will often still prefer a random peg they find in the garden or a piece of paper under the couch.

    2) no matter how much you puppy proof your house, they WILL find something to destroy or a place to hide.

    3) They can instantly bond to one person and it is an amazing love but as soon as that person leaves they may cry and search.

    4) Leaving them alone can be even harder for you than the pup when you never want to go anywhere without them.

    5) They will steal your heart. You may think you can strictly train them and get the perfect dog but the truth is, every dog is perfect.
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    No one told me that any of your long sleeve tops will end up with tiny holes in around the cuffs from puppy's needle like teefies, expect to be sleeping on the edge of your bed with bottom hanging out, any thing left on the floor will be comardeered and destroyed from flip flops to newspapers to mobile phones.your social media will be full of puppy photos instead of your children. When you visit your parents they will now ignore you and instead greet your pup enthusiastically an shower them with treats. Other fellow dog walkers will remember your pups name but not yours an if they pay your pup a complement you feel like a proud parent. And you will never ever feel alone or lonely. 
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    They eat and destroy absolutely EVERYTHING and it doesn’t necessarily have to be food! Lock up your clothes, shoes, important bits and pieces and valuables if you want them to remain in one piece!
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    Having a puppy is as bad as having a new baby. Sleepless nights when the puppy is crying. Frequent trips downstairs in the middle of the night for wee wees. Razor sharp teeth nipping and chewing everything in sight including wallpaper and skirting boards. 4 years on and we have a dog that barks at everything that moves, cries for treats and sleeps on our bed so that we can hardly move. But we wouldn't be without him. He is such a character and is so loving
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