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Anyone with an 06 baby? (MFM)



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    Hi all,

    I've got an appointment at a nursery tomorrow to secure a place for Charlotte for when she turns two ( feb 08 ). It seems so far away but I know it will soon be here. Jack didn't attend a nursery, he went to a playgroup but Charlotte needs something a bit more structured. More new experiences for me.

    Zoe x
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    We had a break through today.
    For the first time since this term started Aaron did'nt cry.
    He went in his class and said "look mummy. No tears"
    I just hope it lasts.
    We have had to secure a place for Katelin at preschool and she wont start until september 09,but they have a long waiting list.

    Hope all is well with you and that jack is settling in at school and hope Charlotte enjoys her visit to nursery

    Take care
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    Just got back from the nursery we want Charlotte to go to. Normally when we go somewhere not familiar to her she gets very clingy but from the moment we walked in she was her usual self. Saying "Hiya" to all the staff and wandering around quite happy. We have secured her a place from Feb next year. They just seem to have created the right atmosphere and more importantly Charlotte feels at ease there.

    Zoe x
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    Hi Lucyanne,

    Charlotte's bedtime routine has gone out the window and I don't really know what to do. She stills has an afternoon knap which I know she needs but last night was the latest, ten past ten before she went down happily in her cot. I've tried keeping her so busy she hasn't had a sleep and she's been in bed about 6.30 but then she's wide awake come 9. I've also done the stern, it's bedtime you will go to bed and she gets all upset. Any suggestions are welcome.

    Hope the boys and Katelin are ok.

    Take care, Zoe x
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    Hi Zoe
    Hope you had a good weekend.
    Katelin has had a few nights like that when she has gone to bed earlier because she was tired, then woken up as I think she may have felt that she had only gone down for a knap.
    So we just let her come downstairs for half an hour or so then tell her its bed time and she is happy to go down for the night.

    Boys are fine thanks though Aaron is still cryng every morning when I drop him off at school.

    hope Jack is settling in well at school.

    Tried online shopping yet?
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    Jack's settled in fine thanks. They've done P.E. today! He looked a bit scruffy but he was wearing his own clothes so I can't complain. I hope Aaron settles soon for you and him.

    I haven't tried on-line shopping yet. We went Saturday morning and she was 'ok' but she had started with a cold and in a 'I can't be bothered mood'. I will definatley do it closer to Christmas as she's no good with queues, we have to go to a till that's ready to load and you can't get them in December. Also, we may go to our local 24 hour supermarket when the kids are in bed, get Grandma to sit in for us, that's our other option. I'm not very good at people looking at me like i'm dirt, I tend to say things and find my husband's disappeared through embarassment!!

    I woke Charlotte up today from her knap before she was ready, so i'll see how we go tonight. Just doing spag bog for dinner so she'll be nice and full.

    Take care, Zoe x
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    Good luck tonight then. good idea to wake her up before her knap is over, didnt think of that.

    I'm seeing Aaron's teacher on wed to see if she can give me some advice re getting him to go in without crying. Its like he is having a panic attack,.he starts breathing fast and heavy.
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    I bumped into a mum a know outside the school gets this morning, her eldest is in year two and they've been having tears since they've gone back. Her teacher allows her to come straight into the classroom when she arrives at school so she doesn't have to go into the playground. That has worked for them.

    Just thought i'd mention it. Hope things get sorted for you.

    Zoe x
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    We may have sussed it! After dinner we had a play, then a story to calm down. Bathed and bought downstairs to dry and cuddle then took up to bed with a warm milk. She's been in bed since half eight, she's not been in bed this early for a few weeks now so fingers crossed i can keep it up.

    I can come on here in peace!!

    Zoe x
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    Thanks Zoe
    I will try anything its really upsetting me now.
    All I want to do when I can see him through the class room window and he's crying is just go back in there and cuddle him but they just want you to go without making a fuss. It's so hard.
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    I know how you feel. I was the same when Jack started playgroup. I just kept telling myself he had to be there and the sooner he got used to it the better it would be. I'm glad we didn't have part two when he started school else I think I'd be becoming a dinner lady so I could be 'close' to him! It's our instinct to protect them when they are upset. Something will work just hang in there.

    Take care, i'll be thinking of you.

    Zoe x
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    Thats pretty much Katelins routine every night. We (the royal WE)try to keep it the same every night.
    She said some new words today. "key, Aaron,Shoe,teeth"
    It brings a lump to my throat.

    Heres to an uninterupted evening then??????
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    Hi Zoe
    How was charlotte last night?
    I had a bad night.
    Up at 2 to throw up
    Katelin woke up at 4.30
    she was spooked by something and didnt want to be by herself so she came in with us.
    I threw up again at 5.
    Then heard neighbours baby wake up about 5.30 and though that dont bother me, the parents SHOUT at him for crying. Can you believe it?
    Makes me really sad. He is 4weeks older than katelin.
    He is quite clearly having night terrors but gets told off for it.
    If ever you wanted to tell someone how to be a parent.!!!!!!
    some people dont deserve kids.
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    Oh and Aaron didnt cry his morning. He took in something that is special to him . I'ld like to say it was a pic of me but he took in his captain scarlet car.
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    Hi Lucyanne,

    I'm really pleased to hear Aaron didn't cry this morning, hopefully he's turned a corner.

    Charlotte went until 1.30 then woke for a feed and was up again at 4.30 to be tucked in then went through til 7.30. That wasn't actually too bad a night.

    I can't believe your neighbours. Mind you, my neighbour who's single decided to do some electric sanding in the back bedroom at 8 o'clock last night!! What an idiot he knows we've got young children. Some people live on other planets.

    Hope to chat soon. Zoe x
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    Me again!!

    It's ten to eight and Charl (our nickname for her) is in bed! I've been at work today and the babysitter said she'd not had a knap. Because I work all day on a tuesday when I get back I spend time with the children as it isn't very long before they are in bed (usually) . I made certain she was shattered. Let's hope we have another ok night.

    Zoe x
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    Any better last night?

    Aaron cried again.
    I saw his teachers today and they assured me that he has stopped crying probably by the time I get to the play ground gate. They did come up with a few ideas to try starting tomorrow so we shall see!!

    Does Charlotte use a sleeping bag at night?
    Katelin has had one since she went into a cot. I think that has helped her at night
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    Hi Lucyanne,

    I'm sorry Aaron cried again. You will find something that works just keep strong.

    Charlotte first went in a sleeping bag at about six weeks old. She wouldn't sleep unless she was in it then about six weeks ago she refused to go in the sleeping bag and so now has a few blankets and seems happy with that. That is once she has gone to bed! It was great as she was so snug. But she seems to like the freedom of moving about.

    Last night was great she went to bed and woke about 1.30 for a feed then slept until 7, I was so happy. Not sure how tonight will go.

    Try not to worry about Aaron. The crying will stop at some point.

    All the best, Zoe x
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    Hi all,

    We may have a break through or it could just be a fluke but Charlotte slept through the night for only the second time, ( the first was when she was about 8 months), last night. Now she didn't get to bed til ten to nine but then that was it til 7.30 this morning. Please keep your fingers crossed for me as that is the first time i have slept through the night in just over five years!! (the first time Charl slept through I was checking her every two-three hours! and Jack didn't start sleeping through until Charl was about 3 months old, I forgot what it was like!!)

    Anyway, Lucyanne how was Aaron today? Jack's gone all day today for the first time and he'll be having his lunch there as well so I don't know how he'll get on with that.

    Take care, Zoe x
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    Hi Zoe
    Was it a fluke then or did charlotte go through the night again?
    Hope Jack enjoyed having lunch at school.
    Aaron is still crying. Even after doing what his teacher's had suggested, so back to square 1.
    I'm going to buy him a toy tomorrow but not give it to him until he can complete a week of no tears, so he has a goal he can see.
    Hope that works.

    Have a great weekend
    Lucyanne x
    He got told off today so I'm hoping that has not set him back at all!
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