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July 2017 Babies - Part 3



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    Katt I really hope everyone's better soon but I'm  Glad you had a good day before all the sickness started xx 

    lillian I was the same - I had early bleeding for weeks. I remember going to the first early scan in tears and couldn't believe it when they showed me a heartbeat. i remember they said he was 2mm long! It's strange because when I had my missed miscarriage a few months earlier I didn't bleed at all and I had bad sickness but with Charlie I had loads of bleeding and no sickness. Very strange. mummytoolley I remember that too with the hcg - I remember crying when it was finally one line and thinking that I'd probably never see a test with 2 lines on again but luckily a few months later I did 😀🌈🌈

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    Downstairs wuth Patrick watching toy story for 15 min while he calms down and the calpol kicks in. He has sore teeth which isn't helping things. Feel sick I'm that tired. It's so horrible when they both r unwell atv the same time and noone can tell you what's wrong.

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    Awww bless u Kat you must remember that it wasnt her you didn't want it was the situation. I was glowing for the second trimester but first n third where awful pregnancy is strange anyway never mind when you get all the rough elements like u do x my cousin is in the same boat as u but she sails through pregnancy no problem n she still cried when she found out she was expecting I think it's shock !

    hope they both get better soon Hun ! N u get some rest 

    louise our story is so similar hehe ! I did get sickness though but only at 8 weeks until 13 weeks. Is Charlie sleeping any better ? 

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    Morning ladies Katt hope they both feel better and better soon it's awful the boys are only just getting over theirs I dosed them up on calpol snuffle babes and saline spray and it seems to have helped. Hope you got some sleep

    Charlies started waking up at one again for a feed lol he just cnt drop it were having another atm the little piggy loli

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    Charlie's been a good boy. He went to bed about 8pm and woke about 5.40. The problem is when he wakes he almost chokes on the milk because my boobs are so full as they are not used to him going so long without milk. He's gone back to sleep so I might get another half hour in bed before I have to get up to start getting them ready for school.

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    Morning ladies, not a great night here! I've been up throwing up all night. I've no idea why, wether I've eaten something dodgy or it's a bug. I feel rough, just don't want to pass it on to any of the boys.

    katt hope Patrick is feeling better this morning!

    Louise Charlie is doing incredibly well. Joseph goes down well but we dream feed him at 10ish then he will go till Morning. 

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    Yeah I found out start of November as well. It seems like the last year as a wholes gone really slow, yet the last 3 months have whizzed by! So strange to think I knew for 2 months before everyone else knew... I also had bleeding at that Time lilliAn. People at work nust have thought I was mental as I was constantly panicking and in tears... but now he's a little human :) 

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    Sorry ladies, it didn't show me the new page so missed loads of messages. 

    Hope theyre both feeling better this morningKatt and it was just a random thing, same for you bincey! Being sick isn't nice at all, especially when you don't know why! 

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    Louise can you not express just before bed ? Or will that make matter worse hehe 

    aww no I know they said there's a particually nasty vomiting bug going round it was on the news 

    yeah that's exactly what I was like most people guessed becuaee of how weird I was being but I don't care hehe 

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    Ollys woken up snotty and very emotional poor baby everyone seems poorly atm my oh is still in bed and I'm up doing everything I could murder him sometimes 

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    My oh isn't well but he's at work so feel that I can't ask him for help when he comes in. He's got a night out planned tomorrow and I bet he'll have recovered and I'll be loaded by that time.

    I've got all the sick stuff washed and hung out and the rest of the stuff is going atm. We didn't actually come downstairs until 8 so that day seems just a wee bit shorter.

    Cause all the bedding is being washed nap time will need to be in the pram :-( no rest for me then.

    What is everyone else up to?

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    We just had injections he seems fine at the moment but had his calpol he's currently sitting laughing at my hiccups lol 

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    It's been quite a nice day today I was going to put my washing out but it's been a bit mad and haven't had time so tumble dryer it Is. The boys are still full of cold ollys got diarrhoea and Charlie's being sick I'm hoping that it's a good sign and that it's leaving their bodies 

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    Ollie has just screamed it was bloody awful ! think it's his injections made me cry I couldn't do anything I've never heard anything like it before 😔 Louise how's Charlie ?

    aww hope olly n Charlie are feeling better soon x

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    Lillian I hope ollie feels better soon sweetie im Dreading Charlie's next set I'll be glad when they're all over with it.

    Hows everyone tonight I hope all the babies are okay. It's been the longest day and I've counted the minutes til bedtime  

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    He's ok thanks Lillian. He's been very sleepy . Have given him calpol . He keeps crying when the syringe is empty because he really likes the taste. I think he will be a glutton when I start him on food 😂 Have a feeling he will have a restless night. Am so pleased theres no more injections till they are one .  Hope Ollie has a good night xx 

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    Hope you get some sleep chick I'm hoping olly and Charlie both sleep for me they're so full of cold ollys worse than Charlie and he's been ruttly all day 

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    Ollie temp just spiked at 38.3 given his third dose of calpol so hope it comes down I hope he sleeps it off but I think he will be restless x 

    yeah I'm so glad there over til there 1. I'm not sure but I think I'm getting something wrong got a sore throat but don't think it's a cold ... hope it's not anything  

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    Evening ladies, hope Charlie and Ollie settle well this evening. Joseph isn't right but I really don't know what's wrong with him. I'm not sure if it's a bug I've had and passed it on, whether he's teething or a delayed reaction to last weeks jabs? He has decided he no longer likes his dummy too. 

    Hope your boys are better tomorrow too mummytoolly. Xx

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    Mummytoolley I hope the boys are feeling a lot better tomorrow and that you get some sleep. Hopefully you will be able to have some quality time together while you're off work xx 

    lillian I hope your sore  throat doesn't turn out to be anything xx

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