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May 2017 Toddlers



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    Hi everyone, we hope you and your families are doing well. 
    Do you have a child who is prone to catching head lice? 
    If so, we're looking for peeps to test some treatments for us. 
    Please head over to this thread to find out how to sign up. 

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    Well Georgia is walking more now instead still but doing it alot more also got at least 3 teeth coming through at same time. Loving her food but still loving her milk too. Think she has reflux as did before with her milk allergy and coughing alot has been ages like she's clearing her throat. Dr wants to try inhaler first incase it's asthma but they thought when her dad was little that he had asthma but it was reflux now he has Gord so expecting same with Georgia. Also waited over a year for dietition for it to be canceled was meant to be yesterday another 3 weeks to wait not happy 

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    Ladies, I think we experienced our first toddler tantrum last night. Wtf is it all about?!

    Have any of your "Little Darlings" gotten so mad that they started banging their head? I tried not to react at first but then it really worried me to I grabbed her up to calm her down. She calmed down quickly but now I'm worried she is going to keep doing it and or hurt herself. I think her teeth we bothering her last night too because she was chewing everything she could get her mouth on. It's all 4 fangs coming through.

    Help? Lol

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    Lucie has tantrums alot... image she hits and bites others rather than hurt herself. She also throws herself on ground. It's funny seeing such a small person react in such a way. They are unsure how to handle their emotions at this age so it's all learning (aren't they fun?!)

    I pulled out the other interview yesterday. The hours/shifts/studying would have been far too much but my boss is coming next week to arrange a development plan to get me my promotion without the bonkers hours!

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    Thank god for that. Not that it happens but that it's not just me lol Harper has smacked whatever item has offended for a while lol it's difficult not to laugh when I've offered her a drink and she just smacks it off her highchair lol 

    We are going to attempt a first hair cut tonight, I'm booked in to have mine done after work, she normally screams every time the hairdresser comes near me, but fingers crossed she will be too confused to think about it! 

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    Lucie got her first haircut on Wednesday Blue. She sat watching suspiciously the whole time but she was very good actually. Here she is post haircut.... rather pleased with herself haha!


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    Hi everyone 

    Been mia for a while again. Well, I have to have a section again this time and they're also going to remove the rather large (10cm) cyst on my left ovary at the same time, so that's something (it's been there for 7 years).

    No sleep regression here, Jacob takes after his dad, loves his sleep and could sleep anywhere. Men eh!' 

    Nay how are you doing hunni? Any further news?

    Take care everyone xx

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    Wish Georgia could sleep anywhere like her dad but she seems more like me with that one. Can't with light and too much noise I have to have blinds and widows closed to shut out as much light and noise as possible. So funny watching her now runny away from me when I joke that I'm coming to get her and her laugh so cute

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    HEY sonnyrox not much to update just waiting for first appointment and scan will be 9 weeks on Tuesday how are you getting on ? How far along are you now. been feel more nausea this time around so been harder with the two little ones running about. 

    How is everyone else doing my LO  is being super clingy at the moment whats a new challenge as his older sister never was. 

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    Bit clingy but has at least 3 teeth coming through at same time can see and feel them and other gums look pretty white too. Once these 3 come will be eight after bout 4 months with only 4 (hot first molar couple weeks ago) at least 2 more coming of the 3 teeth I can clearly see and feel. Loads of dribble last few days

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    Hi Nay, I'm 16+1 now and nausea/sickness still not eased up. Look forward to seeing the scan pic. It isn't much fun feeling rough with little ones running around. 

    My eldest girl takes after me, awake at the crack of dawn haha. 

    Jacob is always clingy, he refuses to go to his dad full stop if we are both in the room. 

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    Oh that's gone super quick are you finding out what your having ? not long too your 20 weeks scan. Yeah I'm lucky my 3 yo loves to be lazy my Lb on the other hand unless I'm o retry much glued to him he freaks out so strange but he's got a little better just not ideal  but I'm hoping putting him in his own room will help a little. 

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    No, not finding out. The first two I found out the sex but the last 3 I had surprises so I shall stick to that, I love a good surprise haha. 

    im struggling with it being the school hols so not getting chance to rest much but once the older three are back at school it will just be Jacob and I and like I said he loves his sleep, especially if he's put in his cot during the day, so I may get a bit of rest then.

    I love Christmas, but have never wanted it to have been and gone before as much as I do now haha. 

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    I cannot believe you have mentioned the c word already, there are many weeks to go yet! Lol 

    It's official, I finally have a toddler! She's pretty much walking, has finally started crawling, pulling up to standing started properly this morning, getting up from laying down started about an hour Lolimage

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    hey sonnyrox yeaH Im thinking the same I also got one of each so I'm like it will be nice and diffrent to wait and see with this one weather or not I manage the temptation is another thing though lol. Yeah my oldest goes to nursery and my lb never really naps so no time  for Naps but I'm ok at the moment hopefully it will go quicker this time as I'm always on the go with my little two.

    i know me too I sad to my oh it's only 4 months ish to Christmas we best start getting presents in to spread the cost. We are lucky this tune as would have most the big baby bits from our little boy. The main thing would be a double pushchair if we decide we will need one are you going for single or double ?

     Bluehawi exciting times now the fun begins 

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    Ladies up in Scotty-land. Did you get a baby box when you had your little ones? Just seen this on the news, wish they did it England, seems such a good idea. Harper was in her Moses basket for about 10 weeks, now I have to store it in the loft. A box would have been much better I feel. image

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    Aww honestly resist temptation the surprise is worth it. The midwives get into the whole guessing because they say they love it when someone comes in and doesn't know, they get all excited because it doesn't happen often. I have tons of scans in pregnancy and I still never know what to look for Haha. 

    Im thinking of a double but I want a side by side one that can parent face too as I hate newborns not facing me. I did think about a buggy board but we have a long walk up and down hills to school and it will be winter so I want Jacob to be warm and cosy too. So hard finding the right one isn't it. 

    Ive got all my nieces and great nieces and nephews presents already and just need to get the main people, but we save up each month so will have a big splurge.  I can't wait for Christmas, once it gets to September, it will be here. This one is going quick for me because I'm running around after these 4 haha. Xx

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    i have to have more scan too due to being high risk every 3 weeks from 2 something's weeks.

    yeah when I hadn't my first 2 rhere was a 2 year gap just and I decided to get buggy board but then totally regretted it as dd hated it so ended up getting a side by side double stroller the cossatto Bro and sis one. But yeah i agreee I dident like the not being rear facing and it was a struggle to get through doors and down aisles. So I defo thinking a one in front of the other as the seats can face any way but they are so expensive the nice ones for the sake of a few months till lb walks. 

    Yeah we tend to pre buy family's to as it makes it easier and less of a last minute panic lol 

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    No baby boxes here, they didn’t start til around August. My friend said the stuff inside it was good but the actual box was rubbish lol.

    back to school for Millie tomorrow! yey! Can’t believe she will be primary 2 but I’m so ready for routine back. 

    Hows all the pregnancies going? I have man flu and times like this I realise more than 2 children would be too difficult for me lol.

    my boss didn’t show up today to do feedback so I was a bit disappointed but she’s going to reschedule. the Two nurses who beat me to the job I went for both had tonnes more experience than me so I don’t feel as bad.

    hows everyone else coping work wise? Anyone else looking at promotions now? X

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    Thats a shame about the feedback Natalie, least you'll have an idea what they were looking for for next time. 

    For me, not a promotion as such as I've been 40 hours full time since march, but I named my price at the end of July and they just signed it off. It completely covers the extra we have to pay on top of the £243 (each) childcare we pay for. I couldn't believe it when my boss gave me the new contract. Means we can save some towards doing the house up and be comfortable. It's been a rough day today though and ended up working right through until gone 4 from 7am so was late to nursery :-(

    ERM...has anyone had a smear since baby? Obviously those with more than 1 probably have lol I went yesterday and the nurse commented on my episiotomy scar asking if I'd had any problems with it. Is that normal? I haven't noticed anything. She also said that they now check for HPV which has only added to the conscious "waiting" for results :-(

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